Need Hannibal Awning Measurements (2.0M & 1.4M)


***Don't need overall measurements of the awning, but more specifically of the mounting points***

Hi, all! I need measurements between the pivot points of both the 2.0M and 1.4M versions. Due to the timing involved from purchase to receipt I will not have the awnings available in time to take my own measurements for a certain project. I figure if a couple of people post up consistent measurements that get me within an inch or two then that should be close enough for purposes of this project.

Thanks in advance!


I am out of town but will be back on Sunday. If someone doesn't get back to you by then I will be happy to measure for you.


Have you contacted Moby1 Trailers? They might be able to help considering they are the new US Distributor. Hope this helps.


Just spoke to Ashley at Moby, and he was very helpful in offering to run down exact measurements.

It's too bad no one is willing to stock these things in the U.S. I got a wild hair after reading the group buy thread and tried to contact Hannibal directly, but I never could get a response.


I think the reason why is the cost to get them to the states. If you know anything about importation taxes and what it cost to put an allotment of items into a container then have it put on a ship then taken off and unloaded (all done by the Union) you would understand why most don't carry the product. It's also a very small profit margin for such a niche product with so many gears going at the same time. I think the group buy was best opportunity for anyone to purchase a Hannibal Awning. I'm sure everything will work out in your purchase, just trying to shed some light on the situation of stocking them here.


Then why do companies like Equipt stock product from SA? I understand carrying costs full well. My point is that the Hannibal awnings seem to be a particularly coveted item that doesn't get stocked. I'd be interested to hear from someone in the business. It can't be profit margin. I've done the math, and a 15% return sounds very feasible from a pricing perspective even after factoring costs with importation. High upfront investment in inventory given price point? Maybe, but there are RTT's in stock. Are the margins on RTT's that much greater?

Would love to hear some perspective from an insider.


Maybe Hannibal has higher than usual minimums than other larger companies. Plus, Moby1, is a fairly new company and may not have the funds to bring it in and stock it. There is a thousand reasons. You might ask Moby1. They might have a little more insight. I'm in the industry of importing but we buy huge volumes and we sale on the wholesale side. I'm not trying to say that's the reason, just trying to give you insight.


Ashley at Moby 1 and Sam at Hannibal Safari USA were very helpful. They located exact measurements for both the 2M and 1.4M awnings. Actually, I didn't end up needing the 1.4M measurements after they sourced a 1.4M awning for me to purchase within a few days. :victory: They also offered custom advice on my project including an offer to source additional Hannibal fabric for an idea I have.

Pivot-to-pivot mounting measurements for:

2M - 70"
1.4M - 52.5"

Thanks again, Moby/Hannibal USA!


That's who I have mine on order with... It's turning out to be quite the nightmare...

When I spoke to them on the 4th they mentioned they had one shipment coming in on 4/11 and another the first week of May. I scored a 1.4M off the shipment that just arrived so assuming you got yours taken care of, too. Can't wait to test it out.:sombrero:

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
When I spoke to them on the 4th they mentioned they had one shipment coming in on 4/11 and another the first week of May. I scored a 1.4M off the shipment that just arrived so assuming you got yours taken care of, too. Can't wait to test it out.:sombrero:

It's scheduled to arrive on Tuesday.... Too bad my Jeep is in the shop and I won't be able to put it on.... Grrrr!

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