Colombia: Just for the FARC of it!

Scott Brady

Because two trips to South America in 2014 was just not enough, I am heading to Bogota in a few days for some moto adventuring. To avoid the "overlanding" and "expeditiony" superlatives, the goal is to ride really difficult roads with really big bikes. Of course, this means unnecessary pain and suffering, but that suits me just fine. Colombia is top of my list for destinations, so Sinuhe and I reached out to Elephant in Bogota for logistics. These guys are the real deal and have no problem torturing their bikes and clients with deep mud, remote villages, rebel territories and even a flight stuffed in the cargo hold of an "unmarked" DC3. . . Where do I sign?

A few images from their last trip around Colombia. We will be essentially circumnavigating the country.

Hell yeah! That looks perfectly safe

Who needs a spa? Mud, sweat and exercise are all part of the plan.

Can't wait

Not a Starbucks in sight. Ok, maybe a few Starbucks frappa lappas would be nice about then.

Will anyone be in Colombia over the next month? Would be great to meet up. Already planning some time with Land Cruising Adventures in Bogota.

Look for posts from the road throughout the trip.


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters

Enjoy Colombia, don't get any shrimp or massages on the beach. Find us a FARC Cruiserhead for Operation Darien. I'll send him any parts he needs :D

Be safe down there and enjoy!

Have fun, stay safe and thanks for the extra motivation to get license and start riding motorcycles. :roost:
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Just here...
That sounds like fun but does not look like it. I prefer muddy trails in 4wd. I am assuming that they can only get you around with motorcycles as cars/ trucks are too big?


Active member
Moto winch looks like a must!

Have fun Scott! Can't wait to read about it!

Will anyone be in Colombia over the next month? Would be great to meet up. Already planning some time with Land Cruising Adventures in Bogota.

Look for posts from the road throughout the trip.

We are currently in Colombia, a few hours from Bogota, let us know if there are any interesting off road routes we can join you on...



Expedition Leader
Bogota beer company
Irish bar usaquen
Usaquen market- weekends and holidays
salt cathedral or a mine tour
Villa De leyva....add in the zip lines.....and the vinyard
El tablazo is a day trip from Bogota.....try and keep wheel side down !

Offroad in colombia is mud, varying colors, hills and Llanos

Most of Colombia is high up, the Bog is already 8500ft up and in a valley.....

See here and here ...for some more pics...

Fantastic trip, can you recommend any moderate off-road trails in Colombia or know anyone we could tag along with?

Ps we are from the Dorset area too, just one town along from you :)

Scott Brady

Bogota beer company
Irish bar usaquen
Usaquen market- weekends and holidays
salt cathedral or a mine tour
Villa De leyva....add in the zip lines.....and the vinyard
El tablazo is a day trip from Bogota.....try and keep wheel side down !

Great suggestions!

Doing final packing here in Prescott.

Sinuhe took a few images of his gear.

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