Silversurfer's M101 CDN Expedition Trailer

Hello everyone
Alaska/Yukon/NWT breakdown

Duration 31days 4 hrs
Distance 12,932kms (adjusted from pre trip mileage)

1902 Liters used
Fuel cost : $2525
20¢ per Km
Lowest price Calgary $1.04/L
Highest price
Yukon River camp $5.57/G or $1.89/L
Avg. price $1.30/L
Avg. Econ 14.71L/100 km

When planning your Alaska trip the first thing you should get is the Alaska milepost. This book was invaluable to us in camping sites, attractions, and mile to mile information!

What to prepare for:

#1 Incredibly long, and some of the time, "treacherous" dirt highways!

Dalton/Denali/Dempster/Top of the World Highways.

#2 A good mechanically sound vehicle.
For me taking my jeep to E-mortal to get a complete bumper-to-bumper check was one of the best things I've done before my trip, it found mud impacted brakes, and mildly loose ball joints (which I didn't change and should have!) The dirt highways beat the crap out of them but they did not fail :)

#3 Tools
Have a complete set of tools for each aspect of your rig.
Eg: mechanical, electrical, and heating and cooling..
If it's not your rig that you are repairing, it's somebody else's! We came across a couple people who took a rock in the rad and were losing water. We didn't have any but a good supply of StopLeak powder is very handy on a trip like this!

#4 New tires
A good set of high ply tires. The dirt highways will destroy your tires - especially stock tires.
A few days before my trip I put on brand-new 10 ply Cooper ST max tires, I managed to remove 50-60% of the tread on the trip!
If you are running half worn tires then expect to be doing lots of repairs especially on the Demster highway. The Dempster is a well-maintained dirt highway constantly being graded but that is the downfall of your tires. Freshly graded means all the sharp shale rocks are standing proud ready to kill your tires. Dave had two flats. Bring a good, well stocked, tire repair kit!

#5 Extra Fuel
On the Dalton and Demster highways we used every bit of extra fuel. The price of fuel is high and filling up the extra tanks when the price is good helped save money.

#6 Fresh Drinking Water
Although most southerly camps have good fresh drinkable water, in the more northern camps you will have to boil before use as the water may come from a well.

7# Trip Security and Protection
A spot or inreach satellite tracker and SOS device is essential to have on a trip like this especially in the higher latitudes.
Wildlife protection for example Bear Spray, Bear Bangers, and a good big knife would be handy too.
We took a shotgun with us but never ended up taking it out of the gun case.
If you haven't taken a Bear Aware course, I recommend it. You get great information.
I came face-to-face within 30 feet of a large young black bear at Mezadin lake , and the stuff Christine taught us helped me stay calm and I knew exactly what to do!! :)

Road radio's are a good thing to have, especially on the Dalton highway.
Big trucks have legal right away on the Dalton and you must give way, and knowing there coming is a good thing..
After the long trip I've worked out that a few changes will be made! Since I no longer need to carry lots of fuel so I've decided to remove the dual Rotopax mount on the tongue..
What I'm thinking is to build a kitchen box on the tongue..


I think I need a bigger truck!
Excellent information... will add it to my list of things to consider. I would love to do this trip, and everyone I have spoken to who has said the same thing...tire killer. Cooper 10 ply was a good call.


Hi Mike,

Have read this whole thread now. Great work! This is really a great trailer! :luxhello:

Looking forward to see some pictures from the development of the kitchen box! :)

Have fun!



Nice work Mike, Looks like an epic trip. I am in the midst of starting a trailer build and will be using some of your great ideas. Was also interested in your rotopax mounted on your JK top. Were those a fab job?
Nice work Mike, Looks like an epic trip. I am in the midst of starting a trailer build and will be using some of your great ideas. Was also interested in your rotopax mounted on your JK top. Were those a fab job?

Yes the hardtop mount were Fabbed up by a friend here in Calgary..they were built just for the Alaska trip..
Nice work Mike, Looks like an epic trip. I am in the midst of starting a trailer build and will be using some of your great ideas. Was also interested in your rotopax mounted on your JK top. Were those a fab job?

I'm happy you followed and enjoyed the trip and the build!!! Building your own trailer is incredibly rewarding when you're pulling it on an epic trip!


So so awesome. That trip is exactly what I want to do with my trailer one day. Awesome build, awesome trip. Well done man!
Hello all!!
Small update: With Matt at Tradewest fabricating a aluminum kitchen box for me, I needed to protect the corners that will overhang . I repurposed the parachute loops off the M101 into Bump guards.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1464700338.816343.jpg

The all aluminum kitchen box will feature a pullout drawer on 200 pounds sliders.
Once I get the box back from fabrication I will design the inside unit to fit the slide drawer.
Dimensions will be 37"L X 19" W X 21" H
Build photos soon!
I finally received my new kitchen box from the fabricators, and it'll work out just nicely!!
Drawer is on 200lb sliders
I also fabricated a 3gl Rotopax holder
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