A girl with an idea, coming to fruition


I've been lurking for a little while. Watching build threads, looking at trip threads, getting ideas and filling up a Pinterest board with things I think I like or want.

I'm no welder or fabricator, but I know what I want and I have a little brother who can build just about anything.

I have been camping and off roading most of my life, and it's in my blood. I'm also having those silly things called birthdays every year and need to make things a little easier for myself, since I am usually the only responsible adult on my outings. Usually my best friend is with me, but not always. I also take my granddaughters as much as possible. The husband can be cajoled into joining me about once a year...but I got him to get himself a Jeep, so things are looking up and I may not have to go it alone as often.

I've been camping in my SUV and tent for ages. Life happens and I needed a newer (not one with 250K miles on it) vehicle that got much better gas mileage as I drive about 600 miles a week for work. So...I bought a car that just doesn't work for camping. I hate it and it's the worst decision ever. So, I've compromised. Got the husband to start working on his Jeep and sat down with my little brother to figure out how to make my dreams of an expedition trailer a reality.

We started with a very old small boat trailer. The only thing useable according to little bro was the coupler, hubs and leaf springs. Okay, so for $50, that's not bad. Then little bro drew what he thought I had in mind:


Little bro had an old storage box from a hunting trailer to use for my camping gear. More like glamping gear. I knew I wanted a rear area on the trailer dedicated to kitchen items that I wouldn't have to move. So we devised a way to incorporate my CampChef oven/stove/grill on the rear and attach it so that I didn't have to move it, ever. Next to that I needed some storage, and I thought a kitchen sink. The kitchen sink hasn't worked out the way I had hoped, so for now that area will be storage and the sink is going into a bar height folding table I found on Amazon which will be supplied with water gravity fed from a regular square 7 gallon water storage container I place on the storage box and paint black to utilize some solar heating.

Little Bro went to work welding a frame and positioning the storage box where we thought it should go.

March 31.jpg

Adding in expanded metal, side rails, Jeep fenders (of course) and positioning a place for my propane tank to supply fuel to my oven/stove and eventually a BBQ. I also have a small heater that we may try to fuel as well.


Next up the kitchen area:


I purchased a metal garage storage unit to be mounted next to the oven/stove. It's just not there yet.

I'll be running the same tire/wheel combination as on the husband's Jeep:


A spare will be mounted underneath:


The lights and wiring are about done, I need to get it painted next. Hoping to have it out on the road soon.

I will be continuing to use my Coleman Instant Tent, Queen bed/cot with air mattress. I haven't convinced the husband that he needs an RTT on his Jeep.....yet.


That looks great. You're off to a good start!

I used the same fenders on my trailer. If you want to gain a bit more clearance it's quite easy to do. Snip them in the spots shown below (front and back sides) and then widen the base to whatever distance you like. The fenders will become quite flexible and it's easy to do by hand. Your brother should be able to weld the snips closed within a half hour or so.



Looking forward to more of your thread!


Nice job !!! I envy your talent. Like your XJ too. If it comes up missing , well I probably borrowed it

Thanks, it's all a work in progress. My talent is pointing where I want things....and passionately encouraging the husband to do more work on the XJ so I can "borrow" it more!


That looks great. You're off to a good start!

I used the same fenders on my trailer. If you want to gain a bit more clearance it's quite easy to do. Snip them in the spots shown below (front and back sides) and then widen the base to whatever distance you like. The fenders will become quite flexible and it's easy to do by hand. Your brother should be able to weld the snips closed within a half hour or so.



Looking forward to more of your thread!

I like what you have done there. I'll share it with my brother.

Curtis in Texas

I love those oven stove combos. But I'm curious, aren't you concerned about getting a lot of dust in your kitchen stove?
IIRC Arrriiiiizzzoooonnnnaaaaaa has a lot of that dust stuff.

My wife and I also do a lot of tent camping when we are driving the Motorcoach.
And like you we have our Glamping down to an art form.
I'll be getting back on my camp trailer to all our accoutrements after I get my 4WD SUV back on the road.
(Seems I busted the front differential gear climbing some big rocks in Moab UT.)

I like your idea and think a wooden, or metal, weather sealed box with your kitchen inside would make a world of difference to how much cleaning is required.
AND, the box would give you a way to attach tables and other cooking equipment to your kitchen.

Here's an idea for your trailer build I'd like to share with you that you might like
Back years ago when I was pushing a Power Company Line Crew I made a small BBQ grill that fit in a receiver hitch I mounted on the side of the truck.
It was propane powered to save us the time it took waiting for the coals to cool before packing up and kept our storage area clean.
We used those small 1 lb propane cans too keep the Gov. Safety Nazis off our backs about large quantity hazardous items on the truck.

Anyway, it worked out great because I would fire up the grill about 11:45 and start cooking while my guys finished up the work before lunch.
Everyone brought their favorite food to be cooked for lunch rather than a cold sandwich. Sometimes it was just a Philly Cheese Steak wrapped in foil that needed heating up. This was pre microwaves! And sometimes it was round steak. Buttered Corn on the cob wrapped in foil in there, a can of bean and we ate good.

All that to say, if you get one of those little Hibachi Grills then add some lava rock , and get your brother to add a 1 1/5 trailer hitch to it and receiver hitch on your trailer at your preferred location, then convert it to propane, you would be fighting off un invited guest at your camp site. Best part is clean up is a breeze!

I'm going to add a receiver to my trailer for my little grill and a one for a bar type round table. That will be our eating area.
(We like to camp in the boonies where there are no designated campgrounds)

Looking good and let's hope the Hubby gets on board with this.
It only cost a little more to go first class, I just can't stay as long!



A little bit more done. I plan on taking it to be weighed and getting it registered this week. Still needs paint. Everything will be black with the exception of the utility box, hoping for it to be the same green as the husband's Jeep.

Picked up a BBQ cover to modify into a cover for the rear to include an MDF panel insert to provide some rigidity just to the rear portion. If that gets complete this week, it's going on it's maiden voyage Mother's Day weekend. Yay.

I purchased a metal storage container for the rear to house all of the galley essentials, but it was a little too tall.


So my handy little brother made it the same height as the utility box and put on some better hinges.


The little generator I picked up will be mounted on the front, eventually a battery will go up there too. Some day maybe solar on the hatch of the utility box? Who knows?


jeep crawl

New member
nice build,sharp looking trailer

my 2 cents ,mount the tail lights in brackets / box type ,on the side of the trailer to avoid damage in the future

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