BuhBye older Delicas…you can’t register them any more in Maine (is this the start of scary and problematic new trend?)



Heading Out

CA has been working to get ALL older vehicles off the road for years with
the buy back and cash for clunker programs.

The 25 year rule is also, for the most part a no go in CA because there are
other laws that make it next to or totally impossible to get an imported
vehicle titled and registered.

This week I read there is talk of banning ownership of pick up trucks if it is
not used for a business, I don't think it will happen, but the fact that there is
talk bothers me.

Back on track, I suppose the real question is, What was the version of the
Delica sold in the US classified as? Seems to me the imports should be in
the same class, even if they are not equipped with the same emissions,
bumpers etc.


Back on track, I suppose the real question is, What was the version of the
Delica sold in the US classified as? Seems to me the imports should be in
the same class, even if they are not equipped with the same emissions,
bumpers etc.

The Mitsubishi Van/Wagon from 1987-1990 was run through federalization, so it'd have the FMVSS decal, which means it'd pass Maine's annual inspection. It seems that this decal is the golden ticket in Maine.

Apparently owners of ex-military Humvees are also getting letters about deregistration due to lack of FMVSS decals. But there are a lot of vehicles that might not have this decal. I believe (not 100% sure) that the FMVSS decal thing started in the late 1960s. So I don't know how Maine would get around that with older vehicles unless there was documentation somewhere that stated the vehicle in question was sold on the American market.

But keep in mind, the country of origin probably doesn't matter. Euro-spec Land Rovers, Land Cruisers, Aussie-spec vehicles, etc.: No FMVSS decal, no registration in Maine. At least that's how it seems to be.


The Mitsubishi Van/Wagon from 1987-1990 was run through federalization, so it'd have the FMVSS decal, which means it'd pass Maine's annual inspection. It seems that this decal is the golden ticket in Maine.

Apparently owners of ex-military Humvees are also getting letters about deregistration due to lack of FMVSS decals. But there are a lot of vehicles that might not have this decal. I believe (not 100% sure) that the FMVSS decal thing started in the late 1960s. So I don't know how Maine would get around that with older vehicles unless there was documentation somewhere that stated the vehicle in question was sold on the American market.

But keep in mind, the country of origin probably doesn't matter. Euro-spec Land Rovers, Land Cruisers, Aussie-spec vehicles, etc.: No FMVSS decal, no registration in Maine. At least that's how it seems to be.

Basically no such thing as FMVSS before 1968.

And you can't swap on a FMVSS decal from a 2WD NAS Van to a Delica being the decal is tied to the VIN. Unless you are thinking that committing a felony isn't so bad.

Heading Out

In the 80's there was also a program that allowed an individual a lifetime one time exemption
to import a vehicle that was not US spec. I had a friend who brought in a BMW635CSi

There where also lots of companies bringing in vehicles and modifying them to comply with
US emissions regs. known as the grey market. these got the sticker. However many
manufacturers did not support them by refusing to sell euro spec replacement parts
at US dealers, Mercedes for one.

Here in Idaho the Japanese Kei trucks are driven around as farm equipment. they need
a red triangle low speed sign and cannot be driven on state highways.
I know that wouldn't work for the Delica, just pointing out how states differ.

I see the NMA is also aware, they where a large part of getting the national 55mph speed
limit law repealed, so this is a good thing.
Owners of all vehicles with the FMVSS should contact Maine with their opinion.


Well-known member
I am curious if this "crap" will creep beyond the Delica or out into other states. I see comments about registering a "Postal vehicle" being needed for our RHD vehicles in some regions. Makes me wonder if I should swap my Pajero to LHD before I get much further along. Would be easier for my wife to adopt to. Over the decades there have been many people in the North East that have registered vehicles in Maine to skirt around their home states laws or taxes.


Expedition Leader
Talk to the people that live on border towns in Maine, registering their vehicles in NH to avoid the tax, it gets pretty ugly. Maine does prosecute for tax evasion pretty aggressively. Only personal exemptions are actively enrolled college students, military personnel, and rental car businesses. As far as an LLC, you'd have to prove - if pushed - to show that it is an actual, active business with zero assets in Maine do not conduct business from within Maine. BTDT. You might be able to register as a foreign LLC to get around that, or just open up Shopify account, sell a few things a month dropshipped and use an out of state mail service and an out of state registered agent for the LLC.

I suspect that there will be some lawsuits over this one, especially if the title shows a vehicle designation other than it being an ATV. Will watch this one closely out of curiosity. Well, until I finally move the hell out of this state :)

This is the height of hypocrisy given the fact that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of trailers in the USA registered in Maine with Maine plates by people who don’t live in Maine.


Active member
Maine, like VT, does not require residency to register your vehicle in the state. Probably due to sales tax, which doesn't exist in NH. Out-of-state residents registering in Maine is income, of course they aren't going to turn it away. When I first moved to Maine, I registered my truck with my NH DL. No problem.
NH requires proof of residency to register a vehicle there.
That's not hypocrisy, that's tax collection.

This is the height of hypocrisy given the fact that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of trailers in the USA registered in Maine with Maine plates by people who don’t live in Maine.


In the Province of Quebec (which share a large border with Maine...) it is illegal to register a RHD vehicle (with some very limited exceptions). You can import it in Canada, but you will need to register it in another province...

Hi There,
Thats not quite correct, Quebec in its infinate wisdom decided that if a JDM vehicle is 25 or more years old, it can be out of province inspected (you can always own it if its only 15 years old, that is a Federal law, provincially the only thing they control is access to out of province inspections,so they decided to move that back to 25 year)

I imported a bunch of vehicles way back when now, and still own quite a few personally,its constantly interesting to get stopped by the cops and asked the same stupid questions about the vehicle age ect. My best times is when I get pulled over in my R32GTR, then instead of a 20 year old kid,they get a 56 year old man who knows whats what as I have been driving these things for over 15 years.

This was the also the reason I was able to have my Hilux Surf inspected earlier this year, though it had originally come from BC 10 years back, it was now more than old enough to be registered and inspected in Quebec.



Well-known member
None of this is new. In Texas you can not register kit cars, ie Dune Buggies. In Colorado military vehicles can only be registered as parade vehicles and must be completely stock in the military configuration they were originally built. RHD has been contentious forever in North America but there is definitely momentum to out right ban them from the roads just as Australia has never allowed LHD vehicles to be driven in Australia.... several overlanders have shipped their RVs and discovered they could not even get them off the docks.

As things like switching to fossil free transportation gains momentum and government support you can expect every odd vehicle which somehow got thru with an exemption to be banned from being registered. The will is there from governments and there is a huge ground swell of public support too. I doubt the Delica, HiAce, Prada owners societies will even be heard. Watching the global trend away from diesel engines I expect a blanket assault on those imports too.

Latest news where I live, you cannot register or renew registration for the military HMMWV version of the Hummer. I expect this to soon apply to ALL military vehicles in BC. And since the owners represent such a tiny part of the population, they have zero influence to change these new regulations. When I go for coffee and a RHD anything goes by someone always says they should be banned, no one argues that position. Most of my buddies are car guys, hot rodders and truck drivers.
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Well-known member
It would be interesting to see if they tried or did ban RHD vehicles here. If so I would quickly convert my Pajero to a lefty, heck would go with R&P also. I grew up with RHD British cars, no fear to me. My wife will need some adjusting but feels since she rides as passenger allot she is rather used to the perspective over there.

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