Boots question


I have been riding (only on the street) in the boots that I bought for work. Steel toe, ankle high and fairly stiff shank. They are fairly comfortable for riding and also for walking around all day. I don't however think they would provide very much protection if I had an accident. I don't think I want or need full on moto-X or road race boots but I do want to have some additional protection for my feet and ankles.

I suppose I could bring a pair of light weight shoes in my tank bag for walking around.............

Can you give me some suggestions? (photos and links would be good!)

Oh yeah, budget is tight. I'd like to keep it lees than $150



Expedition Leader
Addressing the budget concern only

I have been riding (only on the street) in the boots that I bought for work. Steel toe, ankle high and fairly stiff shank. They are fairly comfortable for riding and also for walking around all day. I don't however think they would provide very much protection if I had an accident. I don't think I want or need full on moto-X or road race boots but I do want to have some additional protection for my feet and ankles.

I suppose I could bring a pair of light weight shoes in my tank bag for walking around.............

Can you give me some suggestions? (photos and links would be good!)

Oh yeah, budget is tight. I'd like to keep it lees than $150


I don't know street boots but have some input on the budget issue and boots.

I bought a 1 yr old pair of MX Alpinstar Tech 8 boots in decent shape that fit perfectly for $30. A little while later I found the exact same boot 2 yrs old for $50.

Alpinstar Tech 8 boots are as safe as MX boots can get, and retail for $429.00.

The deals are out there. Maybe find out what boots you'd like then search all the usual on line used sites. Good luck.


Expedition Leader
Boots can vary widely in prices as I'm sure you've noticed. You really need to look at what you plan to use them for though. For everyday street riding, I wear a pair of Made2Ride boots from Iron Pony. They're waterproof, have a metal disc in them to protect your ankle bone, fit under a pair of jeans, etc and were clearance priced around $50 IIRC. For dualsport or more serious riding I wear a pair of Oxtars (now sold under the Infinity name).

All of these dealers have sale prices and you can find some really good deals.
Iron Pony
Motorcycle Closeouts
Bike Bandit
New Enough

One thing to bear in mind when shopping is that many boots are apparently designed for skinny Europeans and not people with meat on them- if you have large calves you will have a harder time finding boots that fit.


El Gringo Spectacular! and Craigslist are great sources for good boots cheap!

I really like my Sidi Discovery boots....5 years old and tough as nails, but they're about $250 retail.



Aaron S and Craigslist are great sources for good boots cheap!

I really like my Sidi Discovery boots....5 years old and tough as nails, but they're about $250 retail.


I love my SIDI Disco's also (about 8 years) but they do not offer much ankle protection so I use them for around town stuff. SIDI Crossfires all the way.


I have both Aerostich Combat Lights and Oxtar Infinity, the Infinity are so comfortable, I forget I have them on, and, on short 2 or 3 day rides, I don't take street shoes. The Combat light sit, anyone want a pair of 46 euro combat lights or about 11 US?


I got a 15%off coupon from CycleGear at the 4 peaks clean up. I used the coupon to buy a pair of Alpinestars Web Goretex boots. Price tag read $239.95...............I got them for $145 plus tax :bike_rider: I like them. Now, if it would just quit snowing.......


I saw Weezerbot buying some boots the same night I was there


Glamping Society
Yep I ended up with the new Alpinestar Scout. I can only afford to get one pair of boots right now so I wanted something that could handle both street and a bit of dirt and these seem to fit the bill. Very comfortable.

Josh just ordered a pair as well, they should be in tomorrow!


For street riding, I use dainese torque boots. They are very comfotable, offer great ankle support. I actually just wear them all day at work. With pants over them, most ppl dont even notice them (unlike a lot of other street boots that look like snowboarding boots).

Dainese makes great products and has many differnt styles of boots depending on what you want. Check them out. You can usually find a sale on them someplaces to get them cheaper.




Being a Dealer and a Motorsports Repping firm, I've been fortunate to own and try almost every different pair of boots out there for Road, Adventure and Dirt (at least the good ones) from BMW, Triumph, Alpinestars, Sidi, Oxstar, Cortech, AXO and a few others but even Red Wing's has a few pairs of moto boot's. But the best boots I've found are a my pairs of BMW Enduro boots, Combat Boot from Aerostitch (which Sidi makes for them), my Sidi Disco's and my AXO (06 Weathertech's).
If you are looking for the "best for the money", bar none I would look at the AXO's. Completely Italian made and are the lowest price for "new". If your looking for the "The best" I think it a toss up between the Combat boots (from Aerostitch, but really Sidi) and the BMW enduro's I have, but the BMW's are not made anymore, matter of fact I grabbed an extra pair because of that when there where being closed out, so because of that, make it easy, Combat boots!
But remember, the best boots for one rider is not always going to be the best fit (protection) for you, it's like anything else, helmets, jackets etc., and I'd like to leave you with this thought, I know a trades worker who is one of my customers. He used to ride to work/everywhere with his steal toes on thinking that they were a "good safe do everything boot" rather then purchasing a good riding boot, well he got into a wreck and the steal toes bent and almost cut his toes almost off, NEVER RIDE WITH STEAL TOE BOOTS!! I'm sure others on Advrider an here, can back this up!!!
Good Luck


I have Sidi street boots, Aerostich Combat Touring (sidi) and a pair of MX boots for when I'm serious. I could live in the Sidi street boots -They are that comfortable. Not enough ankle support for dual sport or off-road. The Aerostich boots are pretty decent all the way around. My MX boots provide the best protection, but I'd hate to have to wear them to a mall while being a sherpa for my wife while she shops. Not suprisingly, I'd recommend the Combat Touring boots for most DS riding (dirt roads, etc.). If your riding includes single track or slick rock, then I'd rec the most protection you can get. I had to learn this the hard way and I had to repeat the class several times until I got a passing grade. As far as your work boots, if they have laces, tape them up until you get the correct boots (not only are the moving parts an issue when it comes to laces, I once hooked a lace on a peg and fell over at a stop because I couldn't free my foot in time to hold the bike up -The "I looked like such a ************** factor", if nothing else, motivated me not to wear boots with laces on a bike again).

Not that you asked, but for all protective gear, save up your allowance and buy the best you can. Nothing sucks more than being laid up or having your riding season end early because you didn't spend the coin to buy the correct gear. There are deals out there (slightly used), so you don't have to go broke, but don't cut corners on quality. I'll get off my soapbox now :bike_rider:


What are your legs and being able to walk around worth to you, only you can decide. I would buy the best boots available, would you shop around for a cheap laser eye surgeon?

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