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  • Hi Rolando

    My best friend used to live in your town so I know exactly where it is. If you are coming this way, give me a shout and we can try to meet up. I am a member of Off-Camber Crawlers, an off-road club in the VA/MD/DC area. We usually only go to Rausch Creek and Gore VA but I have always enjoyed overlanding so I'm starting to connect with other overlanders in this area. Sometimes I go solo and other times I invite others. The last couple of years I went out west and last year we ended up with 5 vehicles in the Moab area.

    In June I'm heading to a trail in western Mass, then up into VT and northern Maine. I wanted to hit the VT Overland Rally the last couple of years but just could squeeze it in. Maybe this year.

    If you are interested I'll invite you to our yahoo group where we started to do some planning for June. Let me know.

    Hey Rich,

    yeah, that might be the beauty of being a travel soccer dad with games in Berryville and Front Royal :-) I am living in Loudoun county, though (up north, 5 minutes away from MD/Point of Rocks). Are you aware of Jeep/Overland meetups in our neck of the woods?

    Where do you want to go in June? I am currently in the process of switching jobs, so I don't know if I will be able to take some time off then, but the VT Overland Rally in October is already in my calendar for this year. I was there last year and had a blast (

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