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  • Appreciate it, was thinking along those lines. I need to catch up on your blog, I think I saw you were home and thought you finished...I was like damn that was quick. Looking forward to the restart
    Hey I don't know how to pm from the mobile expo site but wanted to ask how much extra fuel you carried or better yet what you think would be ideal for the astro on a C. And S. American trip. I have 10 gallons but was thinking of bringing less. Thanks
    Im going with my partner in crime! aka frank the tank!

    so far we plan to head straight to the border, heading to Villahermosa on the east cost and enjoying the sites on the way, from there we have been mapping back roads to the Belize border and tackle "Camp Road 6:. we plan to check out some Mayan ruins, after that we are going to work with guatemala hands.

    thats the plan so far but Baja sounds fun! Are you planing to go with the van or the SUV?
    Hey! im right down in leominster ma! lol. i am planing the same trip but a shorter time, what kinda route have you made? an how have you decided on it?
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