Closing the loop on this topic. I reversed the wiring of the ERA. The above wiring is incorrect. The blue & white need to be reversed from whats explained above.
Getting back on track here. MG confirmed that the Abbott ERA does in fact get wired in line. The white wire goes to the VSS and the blue wire goes to the ECM. Problem solved, big thanks to everyone! Hopefully this will help some people out in the future as I have spent a ton of time on...
I think its a win for everyone when sales are up, and competition drives innovation. I don't doubt what you're saying one bit, I'm sure it was extremely frustrating to fix problems that weren't originated from your parts. My above question was rhetorical. It's your company, you don't need to...
So I bought a full set of OEM service manualsand had time to dive into them tonight. Before reading the manual, I assumed that the wires were wired separately, but after showing the schematic to a buddy who is an electrical engineer, he thinks the ERA is supposed to be wired inline with the...
I did call Abbott. They are not familiar enough with the wiring (Ford specific wiring since these are used in many different applications) to say either way. They did inform me that the ERA must be placed inside an area well protected from the elements though.
I have nothing against Chris, we've talked a few times in the past and he used to be pretty informative, but he has chosen to only sell select items to people that don't buy his current conversion kit. That's fine, it's his company, but consumers also have the choice on who/where to support...
Hey guys, I finally got my Abbott ERA for my conversion. The instructions say to wire it the following:
Red to 12V + (keyed)
Black to ground
White Signal in from the speed sensor
Blue Signal out from speed sensor.
does anyone know which wires are what coming out of the speed sensor?
All it really takes is a few interactions with you to know that you'd accomplish this. Congrats!
I stand by the quote I sent you, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
WTH! I did not see this coming.
BTW, the wheels I ordered are going to take a little while to get here (Like four months), so I got on CL and started looking for Super Duty wheels. Found a set identical to yours and picked them up. I asked the guy how long he has been trying to sell them...
I would J, but I don't need any more seats. The quote I posted was a from Back Country Pursuit, with my answer to him below. I lucked out and bought four of the new style Sienna seats with the black bases for my van before the supply dried up. I've got the oem front van seats sitting in the...
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