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  • Hi Marcus/Heidi! Good to hear from you. I noticed awhile back your old place by The Path was sold. Anyway, I got out to DV a few times the past year. In Feb, I went to the Neslon Range and did the "Escape from DV" trail + Barker Ranch. In May, I explored Panamint Valley, Nelson Range, and then visited Cerro Gordo + the Salt Tram. I was solo on that trip. Then in Oct, I went to Saline Valley hot springs. Came in via South Pass and exited via Steele Pass, DeDeckra Cyn and on the way to Eureka Dunes. I should mention, looking for Petroglyphs was the agenda for all 3 trips. I also did a few day trips to Deep Creek hot springs, Willow Creek, Devil's Hole, Tip Top Mtn and to Dishpan Springs. Oh and I went to King of the Hammers. Let me know when you guys have time and hopefully our schedules will work out!
    A little back country ski/snowboard trip sounds fun, even a day trip up to Angeles Crest. There are some fun park and ski shots at the end of the road on Hwy 2.
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