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  • I'm coming in sept. To spend a week in Park City area.Can you give me any Info. I 'm coming from KC area in a 2014 GC Jeep so not looking for difficult more like dirt and gravel or even some Highway to get between, I've spent time a year ago in Park City but little info.Your area is beautiful ,just looking for a hand up to see some more of the Beauty your area holds.Normally I am driving my 08 FJ This year the GC will add needed comfort.Any info . You can would be great.
    Fred Rieke
    Nice work.
    How did you figure out how long to make the swing arms? I am in the design stage of doing a similar suspension on a tent trailer.
    Hey there,
    I was googling some Moabite friend's names and found a post on this site about how you know Hugh Glass. I used to live in Moab around 95 or 96. When i was there I got Bob Dudek and Nick Hogan to resurrect the Stinking Desert Gazette for an issue, and I worked in the kitchen at Eddie McStiff's. My friends were Bob, Hugh, and Wildman Jimmy, who lived in 3rd world village, and Sherri and Bergitte, both rafter bettys.
    Do you think you could hook me up with Hugh?
    I sure would appreciate it.
    Chris Katko
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