Recent content by Erick Lihme

  1. E

    How Biofuels Could Starve the Poor, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2007

    coal gasification The price of wheat and other crops are going up as they are being replaced with corn. Not good. Conservation is still the best method. From what I'm seeing, it appears that coal-gasification is the way to go. The process is clean with modern plants and is now cost effective...
  2. E

    Most Excellent YouTube Video, 81 Toy

    Testing the 20R Well, he's a crazy young feller who takes it out on his vehicles. It's better than drinking, fighting, or drugs. And he has the luxury of doing it on private land, a sense of freedom most can't begin to understand. I've suggested that he also 'tests' the 20R he intends to install.
  3. E

    Most Excellent YouTube Video, 81 Toy

    You Tube He has other videos as well. The test is repeatable. There is also one showing another with a blown out piston wall which still runs.
  4. E

    Most Excellent YouTube Video, 81 Toy

    81' Toyota gets flogged to death but doesn't die even after the frame breaks and looses the bed and rear axle, it still goes dragging the gas tank around. This guy also revs it consistently between 5 and 8K RPM and it never blows. Haven't posted in...
  5. E

    Got to thinking: Auto Trans Coolers

    Appreciate the comment. It does kinda of stick donut. :) Regardless of fuel consumption, the early Chevys are still around in numbers because they are easy and cheap to maintain workhorses. I still have 62', my brother 2 flatbeds, 72'and 74', as well as a 2002 and 2003 Ford diesel 4WD's. The...
  6. E

    World oil reserves are huge

    I believe this is the description offered by many analysts, and is the characterization accepted by governments and industry leaders. The estimates are likely based on the current model of consumption. We can only hope that we will adopt the technology which can greatly reduce demand in a...
  7. E

    Got to thinking: Auto Trans Coolers

    "One of the things that I dislike about many of the new vehicles today is the lack of a trans dipstick." Are the newer Toyota's without a dipstick? In general, the old and slow tech have many virtues lost on the next generation. If less fuel efficient verses horsepower, cost per mile is...
  8. E

    Got to thinking: Auto Trans Coolers

    I'll just throw in my .02 cents. Living in the "far north", on a 85' Toyota 2wd which is used for towing, a 3 core radiator was added with a large trans cooler run in seris ahead of the stock radiator cooler. The trans heats to operational temps in sub zero temps just fine. After 25,000...
  9. E

    Truck schoolin' wanted: Phoenix area

    If you don't know the history, I'd change all the fluids and start counting down the mileage/time from there. Other than that, with the timing chain and clutch out the way, it should be good for awhile. The fan clutch might be next and so on... others know that truck better. BTW, congrats...
  10. E

    World oil reserves are huge

    Here's a review of the book. It looks like a good one: If we agree that 'experts' can disagree, the next step is to select the most qualified experts. Personally I consider those in the industry best qualified to characterize for us 'hacks'...
  11. E

    World oil reserves are huge Outstanding article. Thanks for that. National Geographic has always been my favorite. They have always been on the forefront of important issues. Though not a Scientific America, peer review by some of the best and...
  12. E

    World oil reserves are huge

    Another great post, and voice of reason. Wish I had time to respond fully, instead I'll be hasty and vague. Based on several trends, and hunches, political to technical challenges there are indications that the price will go up and become a significantly larger percent of one's disposable...
  13. E

    It Starts (22R-E Rebuild)

    . The AFM (Air Flow Meter) could be confusing the ECM because with the headers, high flow head and different cam the engine is sucking far more air than before and so the ECM might not know to increase fuel. At least it could be contributing to the idle problem. From reading on the subject over...
  14. E

    World oil reserves are huge

    "The idea that it's imminent is not true." :clapsmile My opinions are often unsubstantiated, and full of speculation, as experts disagree, and the media is horribly inaccurate while hyping what it can, leaving it to "hacks" like us to sort it out. The truth is likely somewhere is the...
  15. E

    World oil reserves are huge

    With all the doom and gloom surrounding oil, thought I'd share this link. It would pay to read it carefully. The 'low hanging fruit' or Sweet Crude is begin depleted. It concludes there's plenty of non conventional sources. It's important to note that coal is not included and which there are...