Recent content by tacoma22

  1. T

    OVRLND CAMPERS ONLY : Post your OVRLND Camper build here or a link to your build thread to inspire others!

    Will do. It’s going to be a pretty basic set up. Insulation of some sort and a fabric to cover. Really like this little table and the bedrug. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. T

    OVRLND CAMPERS ONLY : Post your OVRLND Camper build here or a link to your build thread to inspire others!

    Picked up mine on November 18th. Camped in blm area on the way back in heavy wind. said constant around 16-18 with gusts even more. Jeep was rocking but there was zero flapping from the canvas. Impressed is an understatement.
  3. T

    WTB Ovrlnd camper for Gladiator

    Still looking! If you see one let me know.
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    OVRLND CAMPERS ONLY : Post your OVRLND Camper build here or a link to your build thread to inspire others!

    What size mattress do you leave up top? Is that with the bed platform extended or slide up as well? I notice on the website it states I need the 10" height for their 3" mattress. Then I have also read the 8" is fine with the 3" if you leave the bed platform extended, though then I would imagine...
  5. T

    OVRLND CAMPERS ONLY : Post your OVRLND Camper build here or a link to your build thread to inspire others!

    I’m ordering one by February, maybe sooner. Still debating extra bedding height, full barn doors. Love having a tailgate but saw full barn doors in person and it was pretty nice. The extra bedding is nice but would be good to keep the camper a bit lower for the trails. Any thoughts on those...
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    WTB Ovrlnd camper for Gladiator

    Looking for an Ovrlnd camper for a Jeep Gladiator. Not too picky about options. Willing to do some traveling! I'm in Northern California. Thanks! Brian
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    WTB Ovrlnd Camper for Jeep Gladiator

    Id be all over it but my wife is set on something that's a full pop up like the ovrlnd or maybe even a project M.
  8. T

    WTB Ovrlnd Camper for Jeep Gladiator

    Looking for an Ovrlnd camper for a Jeep Gladiator. Not too picky about options. Willing to do some traveling! I'm in Northern California. Thanks! Brian