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  1. xtfritz

    Ford power plant in 2007 TDi?

    I'll admit right out of the box, that I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to Landy's since I've spent more time looking at TLCs. However, for the sake of enlightenment I was reading about Safari Drive receiving new 2007 Defender TDi's with a 2.4L Ford power plant common rail diesel for their...
  2. xtfritz

    When is new, too new?

    I've seen many folks over on the mod their FJC's to be fairly kitted expo vehicles. This is great and probably fairly comfortable if their journeys for the most part stay in the US and surrounds. But I'm curious to what others think in using new model vehicles to overland...
  3. xtfritz

    What cruiser to choose?

    This is a general all call to anyone who has dealt with expedition LC's overseas and tap their experience (just a little). I'm in the midst of planning a trans-southamerica trip to go from Maturin, Venezuela to Quillota, Chile that will for the most part go through the Amazon basin, Andes of...