Thanks, had an amazing last year, pretty much changed my entire life which has kept me busy to say the least. My new home is in Canmore, 20 min east of Banff and about 45 min or so west of Calgary.
Oh one other thing, if using C1 you can also easily import your aperture library or Lr catalog with adjustments. A big time saver if you're worried about losing your edits.
When I transitioned to C1 from Lr it also felt unintuitive and I was frustrated at first thinking the program was somewhat worse, but that was because I kept thinking C1 should work like Lr. When I finally accepted that C1 is just a different process and gave the program a real chance I really...
I will be keeping the x-t1, at least until the xpro-2 or xt2 comes along. I do really like the camera and actually prefer using it day in and day out more than my D810, minor quirks aside. The lenses are what really makes the system though, especially the 23 and 56 1.4's.
As for the D810 to...
If I may offer some criticism of the x-t1 , I like Scott am still using two systems and agree the x-t1 isn't as good as some DSLR's, in my case the D810. A few issues I've uncovered with the x-t1 are, first, Fuji cheats with it's ISO settings. If you shoot and compare the x-t1 to another...
Creatively, I'm shooting portraits... Negative offers the best skin tones and exposure latitude. The scan with the camera was a simple scan for review purposes, not ultimate quality.
Gotta love the ultimate project and what they've done.
I used the iPad as my lightbox to backlight the film. You just have to elevate your slides a bit off the iPad or use a piece of white plastic or similar to cover the screen so you don't see the screens LEDs through the film.
The first actual photo with my new to me Nikon FM2 and 50mm 1.2 AIS, I say actual because I blanked the first frame by accident. Whoops! Fuji Pro 400H film, negative scanned at home with my Nikon D800e, 105mm macro, and an iPad. The negative was converted to a positive image in Capture One.
My muse...
Been really focused on portraits of late as I'm looking to do more creative work through the winter. Thoughts comments and critiques are welcome. These are all shot using available light, no strobes and edited in Capture One.
Hey Don, it's hard to tell but it could be a combo of slow shutter speed and the digital zoom. Digital zoom is just an fancy way of letting the camera crop for you so your image is probably around 4-5 megapixels total. I certainly don't think it's a bad shot, I quite like it, but we have to be...
Don, I can't really comment having not shot side by side with multiples of the same model. I do know that some of my friends who don't take their time can take right crappy images with their phones. I think any differences your likely to see is more a matter of shot technique and discipline...
These things are more camera then phone anymore. And last I checked they take pictures. Pictures that have been used in practically every form and medium available. I've seen images from these "phones" in everything from fine art installations to newspapers and magazines, video news footage...
Travel photographer Austin Mann puts the iPhone 6 to the test in Iceland.
All video and stills were shot on the iPhone 6 or 6 plus. I'm actually more impressed with the video but stills are pretty good too. Nice real world review by a real photographer.
Link to full review...
No offense, but honestly the biggest rub is that haven simply posted some test results from a respected review site, and it quickly turned into an tirade about how Apple is crap and deceptive, and the "my phone is way better and can do everything the iPhone can do better" banter started. No...
There are a thousand apps that do those things, thing is very few do them anywhere near as well or with the level of sophistication and refinement as VSCO, and honestly unless you've tried it you'll likely not understand. You can also share on the VSCO grid, view others work there, see where...
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