The DiscoDavis Sandglow Thread

El Solis

Are you referring to this set up Connor?


Let’s go already!
I had a bad feeling as I read your post, waiting for the rollover pics. Glad to see you came out undamaged.

But banging the rack against trees? This is insanity! Are you mad? Lol.


I'm down for a pow wow. Have some things to do myself. Like a swap a Sals back under her.

Cool, I will text you at some point soon. Are you doing rear discs or no?

Wow. Fun read and glad you are bringing that beauty back to life.

Thanks :) Can't claim much credit, just fixing little things here and there, driving the car etc.

I had a bad feeling as I read your post, waiting for the rollover pics. Glad to see you came out undamaged.

But banging the rack against trees? This is insanity! Are you mad? Lol.

as always pics never show anything like it looks in the moment, did the old camel rider hang a few people off the side of the car to rectify. Must be a tired camel, always taking a break to lean up against a tree, many big red marks on the sand plates from all the rubbing against my large wooden leafy friends. New shocks fixed most of that fortunately. ;)


Let’s go already!

Coil notes

For reference, the standard CT coil setup is

Front drivers side: NRC9448
Front passenger: NRC9449
Rear drivers: NRC6389
Rear passenger NRC6904

Front axle setup is a 90 rear coil or a 110 HD coil
Rear axle setup is an HD 110 rear coil

for example Paddocs and RoversNorth sells these for a decent price. -


Any info for other CT support variants like 110HiCaps, 130’s, film or raft or whatever? Good info.

Does it ride fairly harsh when unladen? Dumb question, they all ride harsh! ;)

Nice to see Sheepdog pic thrown in, getting dirty with the swivel seals. Fun job that I have to do on one of mine.

El Solis

I currently have discs bc I don’t have a Sals rear axle and the one I got has them so I’ll be keeping discs in the rear.


Any info for other CT support variants like 110HiCaps, 130's, film or raft or whatever? Good info.

Does it ride fairly harsh when unladen? Dumb question, they all ride harsh! ;)

Nice to see Sheepdog pic thrown in, getting dirty with the swivel seals. Fun job that I have to do on one of mine.

I don't have it on hand but will try and do a check somewhere. My very basic understanding was as a rule they had factory suspensions and did things like simple swaps IE the 90 rear coils as front 110/130 coils to cover the bar/winch weight. The full 130 spec likely the hardest to find since there were only just 2 or 3, have yet to get in touch with any of the fellows that have one.

It is quite bouncy when unladen. Harsh yes, but more on that later... the shocks I fitted were not correct and I since learned they are really for vehicles with a 2" or approx lift, and I just broke both rears in the Mojave.

Before the breakage... fully laden the car drove beautifully, the OME hd shocks countered the majority of the body roll. Going to experiment with the replacement shocks to see fi I can replicate that. I do not want to change from the factory setup, nor lift the car, and all I want is shocks that can handle the weight and body roll, if I have to buy new LR coils to match existing I will but they appear to be less than 10 years old, still have the faded labels on them, paint markings etc.

Sheepdog since learned he has to do the passenger side swivel too as there is a new leak there... :snorkel: 110 still has this issue with blowing the passenger side axle cap off every once in a while.

I currently have discs bc I don't have a Sals rear axle and the one I got has them so I'll be keeping discs in the rear.

Interested in seeing your setup when done, would it match mine? (IIRC my sals has the front def discs)

My dream

Mine too! ;)

El Solis

As mine is down for a bit, you are welcome to come remove and borrow the rear dampeners. Would save me 30 min in the axle swap too

El Solis

OME Med and heavy duty and “blue” springs that were on the truck. But I don’t have a Sals so I don’t know if the lengths are the same. I’ll check tomorrow what the numbers are


OME Med and heavy duty and “blue” springs that were on the truck. But I don’t have a Sals so I don’t know if the lengths are the same. I’ll check tomorrow what the numbers are

Odd... I have mediums on the front axle and I did have heavies on the rear... how am I breaking them if you have the same and I presume no lift?

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