Roninjiro aluminum Nissan D40 camper

Looking good! I see a tubing bender there! where are you going to use the bent stuff :) I like bending metal

At 93 pounds you are half of what my frame weights.... good going. What thickness roof skin and wall skin are you using?

Are you using the pink styrofoam insulation I see in the garage ... I decided to go with the expanded polystyrene based on what I read.... if you care at all about off gassing from products you may want to read a bit online before installing it... I know lots of people use the pink insulation... and probably not much of a concern with a total tent top design.
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Metal bending will be involved, just not with that bender. The roof/side skin are .40 5052 aluminum. I did not know about the off gassing with the pink foam, and what is ironic is that I usually get my materials from lowes (which has the expanded polystyrene). But this time I bought the foam at Home Depot (they only had the pink stuff) I may change it to the EP. Thanks, River!


Great job!

My son and I partially built something similar for his Ford Ranger pickup, it is about at your stage but stopped build a few years ago because he lost interest. If the truck lasts and if he becomes interested again we will finish it. We were making the fold top to the back, no over-cab, gas struts to assist opening. We have some nice camo cordura coated fabric for the tent, if the project ever gets that far.

Good luck with your build, I'm especially interested in how you do the tent and supports.


Thank you homemade! I started working on the tent supports today, and it came out like I wanted. Now I need to add the cable suspension, gas struts, safety braces, and the folding portion is pretty much done. The tent portion will require awning track, keder, and the fabric.

Once I get the folding portion done, I will go back and reenforce the frame to make sure it stays true. I am building it for crappy road conditions and the last thing I want is a stress crack anywhere. Once the reinforcing, tent track, and whatever welding is done, I will start skinning and insulating.

Sorry no pictures this post, it got dark and there wasn't enough done to justify pictures.


Things have slowed down due to other events, but this arrived today! But I won't be using it just yet.

Revised design of the new suspension support base and main tower.

Also the gas struts are on the way, and should be here next week.



Here is some progress, I was really busy today and I still managed some fab time. I have to run and pick up some turn buckles before I can finish the cable supports.

Out of curiousity what is the hight of your rear door opening? Im also currently working on an aluminum camper (different stye then yours) but I wonder how much of a pain it will be to get in and out of the camper with a short door.

Awesome work though, very impressed.
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Cruiser, The height of the door is 40" and width is 26". During the build process the door is really annoying while building on the ground, but I figure it will be fine during normal use.

Thank you for the compliment!


A little update. The nitro strut mounting and testing did not at all go well. I ended up breaking 2 brackets and a strut. After making the main support beam/tower, I really don't think I need the struts at all.


In case anyone is wondering why I have not skinned the frame yet. Driving around without the skin allows me to find any stressing in the frame and I manage did find one cracked vertical support. Once I feel it is fit for flex and strength, I will then skin, insulate, and start on the interior.

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