Tunook Build Has New Life


Have you weighed the truck since?

I'm looking at a new gen Tundra to build something similar and the GVWR has me a bit concerned...

I have not weighed it, there is not a real convenient place for me to get it weighed where I am at.


I may be coming into possession of a t100 with a chinook camper. Do you have any updated pictures of the interior? Did you keep the stove and toilet or no? My inclination is to remove them since we won't be going far off grid so we'll always have a picnic table and bathhouses. Thx


I may be coming into possession of a t100 with a chinook camper. Do you have any updated pictures of the interior? Did you keep the stove and toilet or no? My inclination is to remove them since we won't be going far off grid so we'll always have a picnic table and bathhouses. Thx

Congrats on your new chinook, I hope.

The interior on this rig is just as it is shown in pictures previous in this thread. We did not mount a stove permanently inside. We prefer a Colman popup stove that we use 99% of the time outside. We could use it inside but we like the versatility. We don't have a plumbed toilet inside. We have a wag bag type toilet that my wife uses at night only.

Post up a build thread of your camper when you get started on it.


Will do, I went and looked at it over the weekend and it def is a project. When they started the conversion they did the frame right and utilized the truck bed mounting points, and they also left hte back of the cab in tact. Said make an offer, so I have to come up with an offer really. I honestly may try and get it and then remove the camper and put a bed back on it, as much as i love teh camper idea it is going to be a massive undertaking and the reality is we won't use it really except a couple times a year at this rate so it may not be worth the sweat equity given I have a 4runner that needs a motor swap and our house is needing some major repairs. Stay tuned though


@Tank5 are those fenders custom? If not, where can i get a set?

It was a longtime ago and I cannot remember where I bought those fenders. I recall they are custom. I had to supply the measurements and they build them based off of that. I found the place searching the internet for custom aluminum fenders. I will do some digging through my old receipts to see if I have a receipt for the purchase.
@Tank5 Any signs of stress issues in the camper or frame as a result of the subframe being welded directly to the truck frame?
I have a similar idea in mind for my T100 but with a custom camper. It's hard to find other builds that have been done on similar sized trucks with boxed frames.


@Tank5 Any signs of stress issues in the camper or frame as a result of the subframe being welded directly to the truck frame?
I have a similar idea in mind for my T100 but with a custom camper. It's hard to find other builds that have been done on similar sized trucks with boxed frames.

I have not found any stress cracks in the shell or frame. The subframe is made from 1/4 2×2 steel, so it is very stiff and forces the suspension to do all the flexing. It has held up great.

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