Sad news today


Today we just learned that my wife's cronich headaches and neck pain are the result of improper treatment after a crash on her bicycle some 25 years ago. After our last overland journey her pain became unbearable and she is now in physical thereapy.. We certainly don't want to give up our planned retirement of moving west and continuing our exploration of the western US, Canada, and Alaska.... Is there a magic neck brace she can wear while we are off road ? This is new territory for us, and I know there must be others out there with neck issues that have found a way, or a devise that enables them to continue overlanding.. Thanks for all replies ...


Sorry to hear about your wife's suffering. A better solution than a neck brace may be appropriate automobile selection. It will be difficult to replace the Rubi but for her sake you may be forced into it. A longer wheelbase and good supportive seating may be the best perscription.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
There are a number of collars she can try that are not expensive.
Aspen makes one.
Miami J is a style of collar that offers a bit more support than an Aspen.
C-collar is the generic term.

If she has a good primary doc she can ask for a script and insurance should pay for it so you guys can try it out.
The c-collars are simple to put on and might give her the relief she needs to enjoy the outdoors.

As to changing rigs I would suggest you guys try putting her in the passenger seat of friends rigs (or find a club to run with to make temp friends) and she if a longer wheelbase or softer suspension make a difference.

And there is always surgical relief but look long and hard for the right doc.


Expedition Leader
Don't give up on chiropractic treatment and physical therapy. A good combo can do wonders! I have a partial fused mid back and neck that treatment has helped immensely - while it can never be cured, it no longer causes me the pain it once did.


Thanks for the kind words... I'm a bit optimistic about it all, so far she is not.. About the only vehicle I would consider would be an Xzj 80 series... I must come to terms with our age, and an understanding that the Rubi, even with OME, is a very harsh ride.. My son was with us in Moab with his LC 80 and I'm eating my words for teasing him about enjoying such a kooshy ride.. Now I'm strongly considering one... Bottom line--- I'll do what's best for my darling... Thanks again. Cheers


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the kind words... I'm a bit optimistic about it all, so far she is not.. About the only vehicle I would consider would be an Xzj 80 series... I must come to terms with our age, and an understanding that the Rubi, even with OME, is a very harsh ride.. My son was with us in Moab with his LC 80 and I'm eating my words for teasing him about enjoying such a kooshy ride.. Now I'm strongly considering one... Bottom line--- I'll do what's best for my darling... Thanks again. Cheers

I went from a bouncy-jouncy XJ cherokee to a SUPER-plush 2001 Trooper.

Oh my gosh, it is seriously like night and day. No comparison.

My wife actually prefers my 4x4 to her newer crossover as far as comfort goes.

Comfort and capability are NOT mutually exclusive. :)

Best wishes and prayers for her condition to improve and to be able to be mitigated with treatment.


Similar boat here:

My wife has severe Rheumatoid Arthritis with Autoinflamatory Disease (lots and lots of pain all over). She pretty much cringed every time she had to get into my lifted OME 96 Tacoma. We sold it last year and bought the FJC and we've put well over 300 miles on gravel roads in the last year and a half. She still hurts of course but it's much much easier on her. I just upgraded to M/T's and she immediately felt the difference over the BFG A/T's. But they are breaking in now and it's really not so bad.
Bad thing is she won't let me upgrade my suspension (LOL), but I'd rather have her in the woods with me than at home.

I always forget about this sub-section, even though I travel with a disabled camper, some really great people here!!
It takes a true expeditioner to keep on truckin!



Bottom line my friend, (and Sarah did get one thing right), If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig. The short wheel based jeep TJ has the front passengers sitting nearly on top of the rear axle and nearly on top of the front axle. No matter what is done to the suspension, or the tires, it is still a very short wheel based "jeep". I've already thrown a few thousand dollars at it, in an attempt to make it something that it is not... We picked up our 80 series LX450 Landcruiser last week, and there is a world of difference on the highway. This thing is Sleed, fore, aft and sides, OME suspension on 315s. Running 32PSI, it rides like a dream boat on the highway, and from past experience with other overlanders I know this thing will go just about anywhere the rubi would go. BTW,, my darling wife has turned a corner after 7 miserable and very hard weeks. The pain if finally beginning to subside and last night we went out to dinner, then a short roadtrip to our favorite ice cream stand. The new to us 80 left her feeling no pain. Still, she has, quite possible 10 or twelve more weeks of rehab till it becomes manegable for her. Thanks everyone for your concerns and good wishes. Hope to see you all out there..


Another thing to try also is massage therapy. Did wonders for my migranes and neck pain after a car wreck, the chiro and PT were helping some but the massage really helped me get more relief. Congrats on the new rig :smiley_drive:


photo 3.JPGOK, we did the deed and the TJ is for sale.. Here she is enjoying our annual voyage to collect pine boughs used all around our home as exterior decor.. The 26th she will be having her left side occipital nerves burned out, two weeks later the right side. We have both been instilled with great confidence that the procedure will be a success, her pain alleviated, and physical therapy will heal the rest, as the nerves regenerate. Still, she wants to get out into the woods ASAP. She and I both love the ride of the LX450 and so far very few problems with it. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to all.
Another thing to try also is massage therapy. Did wonders for my migraines and neck pain after a car wreck, the chiro and PT were helping some but the massage really helped me get more relief. Congrats on the new rig :smiley_drive:

I'll second this. I get migraines (chronic), as well as tension headaches (thanks to a car accident). Bi-weekly trips to the massage therapist, though not inexpensive, have helped reduce the number of both.


Stay strong!! My wife had a similar problem, and underwent neck surgery and had five verts fused . She is doing much better now but says it she could get rid of the 260 lb. pain in her neck she would be golden! He He:wings:


Update, I’ve been away from expo for a time and am now back.. we have continued exploring and will continue to do so.. my wife has had one C2 bi-lateral ganglionectomy, and annual C-3 RFAs to manage the pain. Thanks for everyone’s thoughts and concerns.. I’m glad I’m back, it’s been a pretty rough two years. But we are ready to keep movin on

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