Rally Diabolico - Altar Desert, Sonora, Mexico


New member
Hi Guys

Sorry I'm late to the conversation, but we are busy pushing forward with Rally Diabolico. Entries are open and if you have questions please let me know. You can email me at darren@rallydiabolico.com.

Also we have two Facebook pages with updated info. Rally Diabolico and Rally Diabolico Mexican Teams is in Spanish. Don't be intimidated by the event, it is designed for newbies to have fun and be successful in finishing while learning a new form of off road racing. A standard 4x4 with 32" tires can do the course. The bivouac is only 20 minutes from the Yuma AZ border crossing so it easy easy to get too.

Hope to see some of you in April.


Expedition Poseur
I have no skin in the game, but the following e-mail was forwarded to me today:

Subject: The Devil at the Gran Desierto de Altar

Date: February 7, 2014 at 3:16:42 PM MST

First of all I hope you are all doing great,
I am writing to deliver a message from our director Federico Godinez:

Dear friends of El Pinacate & Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve.

We are aware of the genuine concern that the content of the website http://www.rallydiabolico.com has generated to many of our friends, an event that seeks to make cross country rally supposedly in this region.

We want to express to you and the many friends of El Pinacate in the US, that the event is not authorized by the Federal Government or the Government of the State of Sonora and there is no formal request from any person or company. In case of such a petition is done in the future be assured that we have enough legal and formal elements to reject it.

We assure you: NO EVENT WILL BE HELD.

Much of the content of that website is purely speculative, starting with the logo of the government of the state of Sonora without their permission.

Again we appreciate your interest and affection for our Gran Desierto de Altar and we will inform you of any developments.

Very affectionate greetings to all.


Federico Godinez Leal

Best wishes,
Hector H. Munro

I have no idea about the validity of their claims to either stop the event or the use of government logos. Just passing on some information that may or may not impact this event. Take it for what it's worth.


New member
El Pinacate & Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve are protected and very clearly off limits. You would have to be insane to think we would try to put a rally on in an UNESCO site. Environmentalists have been spreading lies on where the rally was to be held causing them to respond with this letter. The director is correct, we will not, and never had intentions to, run the rally inside the reserve. That is why no request was sent to them.

The reality is that off road vehicular recreation exists and is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. Non vehicular access to nature is also a spectacular way to spend your time outside. I say this as I enjoy both, having climbed in the Tetons and biked in the Alps, as well as racing and guiding in Mexico for 20 years. The fact is that governments on both side of the border have set aside areas for both types of activity for its' citizens enjoy. And as often is the case, this area in Sonora has a majority of its desert out of bounds and protected. We totally respect and support the work that these reserves undertake. They have a difficult job and little manpower. I have a home and reside in Alamos, Sonora and I support my friends there who have established nature reserves in the state. So I know first hand what it means for the people of Sonora to have people come enjoy and respect their state.

Our event is taking place in an area that is set aside for off roading as long as it follows the Mexican governments guidelines. The fact that enviromental activists are spreading lies about where we wish to race is disappointing, because I consider myself respectful and sensitive to the Mexican people their environment and the authorities. All of whom have always been so welcoming to me and my family for years. This area is used by over 60 off road clubs in the Yuma/San Luis area and has an established network of trails that we will utilize for the rally. This was verified in the environmental impact study. There is a specific protocol laid out in the government handbooks that we are required to follow, so for people to suggest otherwise to me is ridiculous. We look forward to welcoming you all to Sonora in April.
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I have no skin in the game, but the following e-mail was forwarded to me today:

Subject: Anti Rally Campain
I have no idea about the validity of their claims to either stop the event or the use of government logos. Just passing on some information that may or may not impact this event. Take it for what it's worth.

This dis information campaign is bring spread all over the net - Incorrect info being sent out to rile folks up. Sort of like Tac ob ell meat is spotted owl and roo - simply not the case. Darren has lots of experiance at this. Will be a great event.


New member
"Environmentalists have been spreading lies on where the rally was to be held"
"This was verified in the environmental impact study."

Seems to me this whole issue could have been avoided if the race director had been more forthcoming with information. I did a pretty decent web search and other than starting in San Luis could find no info on location. Ditto the EIS. Can't really blame those pesky environmentalists for spreading lies if you don't give them the facts. I just spent three weeks off-roading in Baja but I too was concerned that this rally was to be in the Biosphere Reserve. Darren, put your letter on the race website and have a great rally.


Expedition Poseur
This dis information campaign is bring spread all over the net - Incorrect info being sent out to rile folks up. Sort of like Tac ob ell meat is spotted owl and roo - simply not the case. Darren has lots of experiance at this. Will be a great event.

I think spotted owl and 'roo would be an improvement for that place.

Darren, put your letter on the race website and have a great rally.

I agree. Darren - that would be a great piece to put on the press page of your website. Tackle the controversy head on.

Hog Wild

New member
Seems to me this whole issue could have been avoided if the race director had been more forthcoming with information. I did a pretty decent web search and other than starting in San Luis could find no info on location.
Then we've done our job well! A key aspect of this form of rally is that none of the participants knows where the event goes until they are in it navigating. There's a unique sense of discovery in rally that doesn't exist in most other forms of competition. To tell everyone where the event goes would change the nature of it significantly. We've had meetings with the environmental representatives of the area in question, the local governmental representatives, and others. They have seen where the event goes, and have clearly been respectful of the need to keep the location under wraps. One benefit of the "unknown course" is that it keeps competitors from going out ahead of the event and "pre-running" it over and over to memorize it and gain competitive advantage over others. It also keeps spectators and rally enthusiasts from doing the same, for fun. Rally keeps the environmental impact to the area to a minimum, which is our goal.

Can't really blame those pesky environmentalists for spreading lies if you don't give them the facts.
It's hard to answer questions if you don't ask. Making up false stories and spreading malicious lies only makes those who do it look bad, harming their credibility and their cause. Not ONE SINGLE person showing concern for the environment asked us where the event was taking place, other than those who we've already met with. Instead they have made incorrect guesses, and many acted irresponsibly and dishonestly, fighting a demon that doesn't exist. We don't hide behind screen names, and we're happy to discuss the event with those who approach us with respect. My name is Scott Whitney, and I'm the co-director of the event.


New member
"Not ONE SINGLE person showing concern for the environment asked us where the event was taking place."
You've just admitted that you have no concern for the environment. Stick to Fourwheeler.com.

...and you could have easily said that the rally does not go through the biosphere reserve without revealing the course.

Hog Wild

New member
You've just admitted that you have no concern for the environment.
It would be sort of strange for us to ask ourselves where the event takes place, wouldn't it? Maybe I should have said something like "nobody with an inclination against this type of event has asked where it takes place". Of course we are concerned about the environment. We've taken significant measures in support of that concern. Darren put it quite well above.

...and you could have easily said that the rally does not go through the biosphere reserve without revealing the course.
When we received an email from an official representative of the reserve pointing out that the event couldn't go there, we informed them the event doesn't enter the reserve. I'm sorry that some have made incorrect assumptions about the location, and gotten a bit worked up over it. But they could have asked, or simply pointed out that the reserve is a no-go zone, as the reserve representative did.


Expedition Poseur
When we received an email from an official representative of the reserve pointing out that the event couldn't go there, we informed them the event doesn't enter the reserve. I'm sorry that some have made incorrect assumptions about the location, and gotten a bit worked up over it. But they could have asked, or simply pointed out that the reserve is a no-go zone, as the reserve representative did.

Interesting that the e-mail that was forwarded to me indicated that there hadn't been any conversation (e-mail or otherwise) between your organizations. The e-mail is only a couple days old at this point, kind of makes you think that some information didn't get passed up the food chain on their end.

Anyway, glad to hear you guys are sensitive to the conservation efforts at Pinacate & took it into consideration when you set up your route. I sent Darren's well worded response (above) back in the direction that the original e-mail came.

I still don't have any skin in the game, but I appreciate you & Darren taking the time to respond - it's nice to have the other side of the story.

Hog Wild

New member
Interesting that the e-mail that was forwarded to me indicated that there hadn't been any conversation (e-mail or otherwise) between your organizations. The e-mail is only a couple days old at this point, kind of makes you think that some information didn't get passed up the food chain on their end.
Yes, we are somewhat baffled about that too.


Now Decanter
"Not ONE SINGLE person showing concern for the environment asked us where the event was taking place."
You've just admitted that you have no concern for the environment. Stick to Fourwheeler.com.

...and you could have easily said that the rally does not go through the biosphere reserve without revealing the course.

You assu me d. Ask first if you have a concern. Should it also be mentioned that it's not running through Yellowstone or Yosemite? :sombrero:

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