Nice truck, Kowboy. You should write a book. It would sell.
Thank you sir. In case you're ever bored ...
My spare tire's gone since I broke my Aluminess carrier. Took these pics on my way to San Diego so Aluminess can rebuild and replace the carrier. They're doin' it for free and are great Folks to work with.
Reckon this here's as gooda place as any for an update since the camper Folks are the likely target market. I'm hereby, o'ficial'y givin' a huge shout-out to Aluminess. I had warned 'em prior to manufacture that I got a big tire and I drive my junk hard, but prob'ly shoulda been more specific. They beefed up the standard carrier but I broke 'er all to hell doin' 70 mph 'cross the Nevada desert on a badly washboarded road tryin' to go the back way from the World Famous Mountain Springs Saloon in Mountain Springs, Nevada to the Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, Nevada. I like beer.
I had the carrier way over loaded. 140 lb spare tire plus a tire mounted carrier for my bike.

Helluva ride and proved to be too much for the carrier. I'm just glad that's the only thang that broke. Rest of the rig and camper held up perfectly. And I think that's pretty cool.

So I made the roadtrip down to sunny, southern Kaliforney to the world headquarters of Aluminess in San Diego.
And it's been nothin' but a pleasure since. They accepted the challenge of buildin' somethin' that would hold up to my abuse. They're doin' it for free even though I grossly exceeded the original design limits. Good people right there. No other way to put it.
They changed the angle of the dangle, added hinges, supports, gussets, and new latches. Lookin' pretty darned stout. Here's some progress pics ...

And it just keeps gettin' better. All the work is bein' completed durin' my two-week hitch at work. So next week when I get my week off from work, I'm flyin' right into San Diego to fetch my junk. And they're gonna grab me from the airport and haul me out to their shop. I'm a nobody and they're treatin' me like a king. You can't beat that. Can't beat that at all. Cheers to 'em. :beer: