Project "Autonomous" F-350


Battery tray done. Notice how the weight is down low and centered. Trying to keep my COG as low as possible.

Those group 31 AGM's are heavy. I have room for 2 more. They are just behind the axle centerline. The tray has a hinge at the front so I can drop it down for access once the box is mounted. The rear mounted winch will drop and lift the tray.



Expedition Leader
That's some lovely work. I presume your power cabling will originate at the hinge side and have enough slack that the tray orientation won't put a strain on anything?
What sort of power center are you rigging for the box, will it be in the box or in the section between box and cab?

I'm gearing up to do some sewing starting in May, working on my MkII awnings, adding 2-4' to the dimensions of the panels and going for some flat webbing reinforcements along the edges / corners.
I'm also going to be working on a couple small projects in 1000D ('cordura') and giving serious thought to the trampoline-style shade deck. So if you still are interested in something like that I should have some progress in that direction by Summer. My roof rack deck worked well enough, but puts up a god awful moan at optimum cruising speed, ~68-72mph. Don't know if it's a venturi effect between the flat deck and the crowned roof, or the highway-speed wind whipping across the (16) handhold holes in the deck surface. Might try putting some duct tape over those and making a trial run. Also thinking to try stuffing the leading edge gap with pipe insulation or a pool noodle, see if that cuts the wind noise.
But I'm likely going to make the fabric deck anyway, at least experiment with it.


I am going to have the camper electrical system mounted inside the box. The solar panels will be mounted towards the rear because I want a roof hatch over the bunk. I also want a shade deck like you are working on.

I was supposed to paint my headers this weekend with some Stainless Steel Coatings, high temp coating but got delayed. I built a fort to spray in, mostly to keep overspray off of everything in the shop. First I hit the headers with citrus degreaser, and then blasted them with walnut shell. Of course, I had to work on the blast cabinet half way through. After I got the headers blasted, I noticed walnut shell particles stuck in some of the tight gaps in the headers. I first tried a wire brush; that got some. Then I tried welding wire but some were still stuck. I figured that if I painted over it, the particles would probably come loose after the first heat cycle and ruin the coating. That's when it hit me; I did what any red blooded American would do; I burned it with fire. Not only was I able to burn the shell that was stuck, but it also brought some oil out that the degreasing missed. Win, Win.

Nice and clean.



Expedition Leader
Pretty! Interested to see how that stuff holds up on headers

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Paul B.

I thought this was going to be a gimmick but, I was wrong. The roof of the Uhaul box is a single layer of aluminum. On sunny days you could not even touch the underside of it without burning your finger. Today I put two coats on the roof of this dicor cool coat and it works! The underside of the roof is cool to the touch. Going to see if it makes a difference in temperature inside the box tomorrow. :Wow1:

Mike, How did this stuff work out in the end? I'm having my rig painted now. I thought we would put a product of this type on the cab roof. Thoughts anyone?


Those OBS Fords look great!

The only access to the batteries will be the hinged door on the front right? No trap door in the floor. Doesn't seem like you would need one anyway if the charging and jumper posts are remotely located. Should be able to leave them there and just occasionally check that the hold downs are tight. Nice quality work you're doing.

I just bought a house with a couple acres so I'm one big step closer to starting on a box truck now that I have room to store and work on one.


Expedition Leader
no, his whole battery tray is hinged to lower down to the ground like a ramp, it's a page or two back.


Mike, How did this stuff work out in the end? I'm having my rig painted now. I thought we would put a product of this type on the cab roof. Thoughts anyone?

I posted a while back Paul; I was skeptical but it really works. It dropped the temperature on the underside of the aluminum roof. I have another gallon that I am going to paint the underside too.

Those OBS Fords look great!

The only access to the batteries will be the hinged door on the front right? No trap door in the floor. Doesn't seem like you would need one anyway if the charging and jumper posts are remotely located. Should be able to leave them there and just occasionally check that the hold downs are tight. Nice quality work you're doing.

I just bought a house with a couple acres so I'm one big step closer to starting on a box truck now that I have room to store and work on one.

Looking forward to your build. Like Rayra say's, The battery tray drops down so I can access the batteries from under the box.

no, his whole battery tray is hinged to lower down to the ground like a ramp, it's a page or two back.

Oh my, yes!

I went for a ride in the white truck; 750 horsepower!

Today's project was building sway bar mounts from scratch.


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