72 Bug, Baja for the road


Too bad, you know what they say about boats, right?
Seriously though, cool boats come up all the time, folks can't give them away, they all need work....
I vote, finish the bug, then you can use it to tow the boat and you'll have your garage space back. My $.02, not that you asked. Good to hear your still around.
Be safe out there on that cycle!

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Don't think the Bug would do so hot a towing a boat, good thing I got Subzila for that, it should just manage with 577 HP and 633 FtLbs of torque coming out of the 496 Big Block. If not I got way more boat than I need!!


Well I aint dead and neither is this project, almost hate to post anything with out showing progress, but I got some pics to show anyway. First of all my Divorce was final In January and just now started dating a tall Blonde Nurse (no joke I really am) so starting to feel creative again and think I will get a burst of motivation and start back on the bug now.

But first, some other updates for you:

I painted the night hawk


and here is the boat I got for 500 bucks


Used it all last summer after I fixed it up a bit.



And right after the divorce papers were done I got another bike for daily use and longer trips


2003 ZG1000, just put a new more comfortable long distance seat on it.


So as you can see I have been keeping busy and life has worked it's way around the bug project, but it is still there and has been calling to me louder and louder. I think it is time to clean the shop, pull the bike out, dust off the welders and plasma cutters, put new hoses on the air compressor, and start drawing up some plans and to do lists so I can get this bad boy on the road, BUGZILA wants to be free and in the wind!!!


Will find out more about the seat this weekend, heading down to the coast, only 240 miles but will give me a better idea how it feels. The OEM seat was killing me after only 350 miles, and I ride 1000 mile days usually when I take trips so the investment in this seat will hopefully prove wise.

The Boat was a huge score, I am positive I can easily get my money back out of it and if not then it has already paid for itself in fun and memories with the kids. The guy had it for 3 years and could not get it to run, he was not mechanically inclined at all, only took me a few hours and I had it purring like a kitten. He was just ready to get it out of his yard and I work with him so he cut me the deal for the boat and the trailer. Now don't get me wrong it needed a lot of work, the floor was rotted out and gone, the out drive needed new water impeller and bellows and all the wiring was bad. I did all the work my self and it was fairly cheap for parts, the most expensive item was a new steering cable and rack, and all told prolly only have 850 in it. We have had a lot of fun tubing and running up and down the river so all in all a good buy.


Just read the whole thing.
Great work.
You have great abilities.
I got divorced and lost everything for a while. Good luck with your life. Looks like you are having some fun again. Would be cool if you finish that bug someday!


Hey Guys, I been slowly tinkering again on the bug, mostly just more sanding and body work on the front clip trying to get it ready to primer. Have not had a lot of time but at least doing some work again, I am really bummed about the whole photobucket mess since I really loved putting up pics to tell the story. Any good suggestions for free photo sharing sites now? Not sure if I will go back and fix all the links or not if I change over, would be a huge effort plus gotta figure out how to get all of my pics pulled off photobucket.


Would be nice to see the Bug pics rather than just reading text. Been there with the big D it kinda makes a hole in your life if you have kids.

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