Parking Brake Cable on Dexter Backplate


I’m trying to set up the parking brake system on my trailer - in fact it’s one of the last things I need to do on my build before I get it poweder coated . (See signiture for the build thread).

My axle is a standard dexter 3500 pound unit with brakes that include a parking break lever. See attached picture for reference. I have a old parking break handle lever that I’ll use.


My question really is what are you guys using as brake cables. I’ve looked all over thinking there would be standard cable/ conduit that would fit this end of the parking break system - However I’haven’t found anything. I’m thinking I have one custiom ordered from

Any thoughts
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Diesel 4runner

New member
Have you tried contacting dexter to see if they have anything or specs for ordering. I picked up a set of these backing plates that my company took off a trailer, although I didn't see the trailer itself so can't tell you how it was arranged.

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
I am going to be doing the same thing on my teardrop with a Dexter axle.

Here is one place I've found that has levers - Madison Power Systems.

I don't know anything about them, other than what I read on the site. I plan to look into their products once I get back to working on the TD.


Parking Break Cable on Dexter Backplate

Cool - let us know what you find. I did some more measurements and I think the bracket on the backing plate is a standard size which would mean the right size conduit end piece would fit right in. I'm going to keep messing with it and I'll post up how it goes. May take a while as things have been moving along slowly... New family addition : )


The only thing I have found so far is this kit, which is more than you need but they did confirm it is Dexter compatible. I need the lever, but not the rest of the brake away part as I have a battery powered brake away system.

Just an update, it appears the cable ends on this kit are not compatible with the Dexter despite what the website says, waiting on to get back to me. Will update once I have more news.


Just an update, it appears the cable ends on this kit are not compatible with the Dexter despite what the website says, waiting on to get back to me. Will update once I have more news.

Have talked to both etrailer and Titan and the kit I posted is not compatible with the Dexter parking brake. The only way would be to have the cables modified to have a clevis type end put on them.

I did find a setup on another site that would work but the cables and the lever system need to be ordered separately. $165 for the kit, and then $65 for each cable (2) which makes it a very expensive solution.

These are the cables - 2 required:

And then they attach to this kit:

So $296.00

Hoping someone else has come up with a cheaper solution!!


Can you slip a quick link through the hole then use cable clamps to shorten the cables that came on the trailer?


Can you slip a quick link through the hole then use cable clamps to shorten the cables that came on the trailer?

The cables that came on my cables were toast, but I am going to see if there is some way to make the Titan one work before I send it back.


I haven't completely given up yet on the Titan kit, I may see if I can get a metal loop clamp, a bolt and a couple of locknuts to McGuyver the cables to the Dexter brake lever. I'm not using it as a break-away device, I have a battery powered solution for that issue, so it doesn't need to be over engineered.

I will report back!


New member
I also encountered the same problem when I installed the Dexter axle. I don't have a SOA setup. My old cable was shot, so I ordered a new OEM style brake cable off E-bay. As the picture shows, the spring loaded portion of the cable is also a bit long and there is no way to hold the cable housing to the bracket. The wing nut holding the cable to the park brake lever is for mock up purpose only.

After scratching my head and staring at it for a long while, I forwarded pics and dimensions to a good friend who happened to have access to cnc lathe and he came up with the following solution. As I mentioned earlier, due to the cable and housing being pushed forward about 1/2 inch, required the front cable housing bracket to be re-drilled slightly inboard and forward to keep the housing from pushing out towards the tire. The pictures show a E clip to hold the outer sleeve in place. They were too big so I ended up using C clips. It seems to work great so far. Not the easiest solution but hopefully someone can expand on this and come up with a much more simple design.
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