2011 Nissan Frontier Pro 4x Build


Thanks Tom! Hey, I might have a friend coming along on our trip who is a camera man for ABC local news in Charleston, SC. He plans on filming our trip for us. Nothing big budget, but a really nice SLR and several GoPros. He is very good at filming and editing and is very excited to come along. If it works out, I think we will have a very nice film to document our adventure!! He wants us to get a departure date ironed out so he can get more organized.

On a second note, I diagnosed my popping noise!! It was the overlap of the radiator and engine skid popping when any kind of torque is added to the frame. Took them off and no noise!

As I responded to your PM, THIS IS AWESOME! I'll start up a thread about it tomorrow afternoon.


This is awesome. I have been thinking of trying to make a Tacoma cut bumper work because noone makes one for our trucks. I don't see it on the hefty site yet. Is there an estimate on the cost of the production version?

The bumper is made to order. Looking at around $2,500.


perpetually lost
Does the tire affect your visibility; if so, do you think it would have been less of an issue on the driver side?


Thanks Tom...For getting my butt in gear and posting an update!!

We've had a lot going on in the last several months. Getting ready for the big move to Montana has taken up most of my time. Recently though, I've got around to installing some mods that I've really been wanting for a long time!! Finally got around to getting a fridge/freezer, drawer/slide and shower system. I ended up going with an Engel fridge because they were 33% off and they are a quality fridge. Japanese technology with a great reputation and great build quality. Wreckdiver convinced me to go with the ARB roller drawer after he got his last year and it was an excellent decision. Build quality is also excellent and it suits my needs perfectly for its intended purpose. The shallow drawer holds all my recovery equipment as of now. Finally, I decided to get a road shower. Very cool pressurized water tank that is heated by the sun and pressurized to allow a convenient hot shower anywhere! Mounting the shower took some thought. I eventually decided to make some custom mounts and mount it vertically on the old Hilift mount on the fuel carrier. A top mount along with the RTT and awning, would make it too top heavy for my taste.

As far as powering the fridge. Right now I'm running a single X2 Power series (rebadged Northstar for Batteries Plus) deep cycle. I ran 12 volt to the back of the truck.



Decided to purchase a Arkpak for my power needs. Got almost everything setup today, just need to drill the holes in the roller floor for the mounting brackets and I'll be all set. Installed a monster Interstate Group 31 deep cycle/starting battery inside. http://www.interstatebatteries.com/m/product/agm/marine-agmy
I can charge on the go DC to DC while charging the fridge which is nice. Battery box comes with a 300 watt inverter, USB, 120 watt plug, anderson connect and two 12 volt plugs. Very nice unit.



I've been looking at those showers but don't have a good place to mount it. I like how you mounted it. Can you reach the air valve easily?


Built, not bought!
Hey Bijan, hope you are doing well man. Getting super jealous of all the pics you have been posting of Montana. That is one hell of a great piece of land you guys got.

I recently picked up a rhino rack and ARB awning and I was curious on how you mounted yours? I put mine on last week but from some of your pics, it looks like your sits much closer to the body of the topper than mine does? Any advice or pics would be awesome. Take care dude!!


Hey Bijan, hope you are doing well man. Getting super jealous of all the pics you have been posting of Montana. That is one hell of a great piece of land you guys got.

I recently picked up a rhino rack and ARB awning and I was curious on how you mounted yours? I put mine on last week but from some of your pics, it looks like your sits much closer to the body of the topper than mine does? Any advice or pics would be awesome. Take care dude!!

I'll send you some pictures. I just top mounted it on the rhino racks with the standard L mount.

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