I've changed my method to compress my sleeping bag


New member
I am an avid hiker and a member of several hiking groups here in BC.

About a year ago I changed the method and designed a whole new way to compress my sleeping bag. Without thinking much about it, a friend from 40 Adventures hiking group thought I should improve the design and make it available to hikers.

I've received some feedback from local hikers but would like additional thoughts from you.

Here is a link to what it can do.

Kind Regards,



That actually looks like a pretty good idea. Similar to the "snake skins" used in the hammocking community. And this is meant to be used with any sleeping bag? Are there going to be various sizes available? Is it waterproof? Does it stretch, or is it a non-stretch material? How does the actual litre displacement compare to a traditional stuff it and compress it style sack? I'm definitely interested in this, looks like it could be a game changer for sure.

OCD Overland

Looks cool. I can't tell if theres a bungee attached to the end or not - it looks like it might though no one in the videos uses it if it does. Anyway, if it did, then you could stretch that around the coil after you roll it to either help getting it into it's shell or keep it rolled without one.

It took me a second to understand your sizing method, though it makes perfect sense once it hit me what you were saying. You might add a small diagram that explains it graphically, for idiots like me.

Nice product.

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