Mission Dawn Patrol


Nice. I work at the fire station in downtown. It's a good spot. You cruising through Evergreen at all?

dunno, I don't see why not lol. I'm down to go anywhere. I'm sure I'll fart around the area quite a bit. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the epic pass but it's "Unlimited access to Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, Park City, Canyons, Heavenly, Northstar, Kirkwood, Perisher*, Afton Alps, Mt. Brighton, and Arapahoe Basin - No Blackout Dates." So I'll be going back and forth between them all until I find one I like.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get my dog a workout in the snow? He's just a puppy and just going on a walk isn't really enough. Wish I could make a treadmill or something lol


So jelly. Wish I'd done something similar before I went and procreated...
Looks like your map has a detour through Baja; It's a special place.


So jelly. Wish I'd done something similar before I went and procreated...
Looks like your map has a detour through Baja; It's a special place.

Being a surfer since a tiny kid, along with loving rally trucks/racing; baja has been on my map for a long long time. I think it's what I'm most excited for, for the whole trip.


I'm sure you'll be going to San Juanico/Scorpion Bay then, world class when it's on. There's a TON of other spots though: Abreojos, El Conejo, Pescadero/Todos Santos, Rosilallita, Tomatal, Punta San Jose, Cuatro Casas, etc... lemme know if you want any specifics.


Nice van.

My son just finished his freshman year at ERAU.

Nice, I just got my grade posted a few hours ago. I'm officially done with school forever! What's your son going for?

I'm sure you'll be going to San Juanico/Scorpion Bay then, world class when it's on. There's a TON of other spots though: Abreojos, El Conejo, Pescadero/Todos Santos, Rosilallita, Tomatal, Punta San Jose, Cuatro Casas, etc... lemme know if you want any specifics.

Always could use some specifics. I'm not going until next summer so I'm not putting down too many notes just yet. I've been using all my research time for parts for the van. Trying to find a diesel heater right now. Then what appliances/electronics I need. Then I need to figure out how much electricity I'm going to be using in order to order the solar parts.

Abe Froman

Check out the Espar d2 diesel heater.
Popular with the sprinter crowd.
I'd assume it would work with a ford diesel?
They are about $900 though.
It would seem like a pretty fair price if you plan on sleeping in a van in Colorado in the winter!


Just make sure to figure out the jetting for seperate altitudes. There's a dealer/installer here that can dial it in when you get here.


Just make sure to figure out the jetting for seperate altitudes. There's a dealer/installer here that can dial it in when you get here.

Good to know. I've lived in tropical climates all my life. All I know about is corrosion. I have no idea what elevation and cold weather do to things. I'm sure I'll have to winterize stuff, be conscious of my water system hardware, learn how to drive in snow, and make adjustments on my dirtbike. I'm just kind of building it and figuring it out along the way.


Just make sure to figure out the jetting for seperate altitudes. There's a dealer/installer here that can dial it in when you get here.

Acheateaux - who is that dealer? I've got a V10 gasser but have been doing a bit of research on a separate diesel tank....that or Propex will probably be my route. Let's meet up BTW - I'm on the front range. Couldn't get to the meetup in Denver though because I'm out of town.


Sweet build, Volcomsurfer...we'll have to meet up in Colorado when you're here. I'm a skier but should be able to hang with you on your board. On the right snow days, I've seen people safely backcountry skiing with their dogs in a couple mellow places off of Berthoud Pass - make sure you're safe with that though...a guy and his dog were lost in an avi 2-3 winter's ago up there.

Really cool seeing others with their progress - I like your paint for sure...I've been thinking of doing black on the rocker panels myself.
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My dad was nice enough to help me out and put the driverside seat in and all the door rubbers.




I think I found the dirtbike holder that I'm going to get. The Ultimate MX Hauler. I just need to wait for the aluminess stuff to come in. Then I can see about positioning it for the height and distance to clear the tire/box.

I pulled the trigger on a cheap microwave from Home Depot. I'm working on the A/V research right now. Gonna need 6 speakers, head unit, amp, tv, backup and forward looking camera that records/night vision/motion activated "park" mode.
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