My ongoing Xterra build thread


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thanks man we get pretty spoiled here although nothing I do is really extreme, they're all just deactivated forestry roads. Nice man, I think mine are just C rated.. they get real squishy when I air em down to even 18/20 psi, thats what I've been cruising the backroads with. It's still sooo nice to have the air compressor.. they should just come from the factory with compressors! How long have you had your lift for? How are your front cv joints holding up?
I think I used to post on xterranation, I'll check it out.


I put the lift in May Long, and the hubs shortly after.(no power tools on the street in front of my house) I didn't lift it to max hight as I want a fair bit of down travel as well as up . after cranking the torsion bars to balance the back I think I'm sitting at about 2 inch of suspension lift. My CVs are well within spec, but I do think the Warn's help for general wear and tear. My thoughts are that suspension should have as much down as up as possible. the more equal the better. the rear AAL was mostly for more load capacity. Lets face it, if your rig is also your DD than ultimate off road ability is not really a goal. Like Mr. Miaggi said BALANCE is key. I had an OME/IronMan/CFCRATIONS lift in my Pathy that followed the same ideology in that I spend most of my time on pavement with a good portion of gravel road and a very little bit of truly challenging off road to spice things up. my build is about functionality for camping in hard to reach places. not XTREAM Knar!!. That supercharger would be a cool upgrade for the hills though. I'll be keeping my eye out for one in a Junk yard one day. I think cooling system and other stuff will have to be transferred as well?


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Mine kind of bind when they're at full droop, like it drive fine and all that, but when I have the tire in the air and 4wd engaged, spinning the tire is a lot tougher due to the CV.

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