So your daughter cuts her finger...


While camping my 10yo daughter cut her finger with her pocket knife. It was about 1/2 long, longitudinal cut right on the pad of her index finger opposite the nail. It was deep enough to bleed well and show some layers, but not deep enough to warrant a trip to the hospital for stitches. It was the first day of the trip and all she wanted was for me to fix her up so she could keep whittling.

I cleaned the wound with several syringes full of drinking water, spraying hard and directly into the cut. Once clean I spread benzoin tincture around the wound (not in it), applied a steri-stip, and then a small tegaderm dressing. This worked, but constant child's play soon wore through the tegaderm. For the rest of the trip I experimented with different coverings over the tegaderm to make it more durable, including surgical tape, band-aids, etc. All in all it worked out fine and it is a clean well-healing cut.

My question is, what treatment/dressing would you apply in this situation to guarantee a clean environment for the cut, but allow the child to cut, fish, swim, etc. ?

Thanks for your suggestions.


Just superglue, that's it?
Just Duct Tape? That is not sterile, waterproof, or very easy to take off to check for infection.


Like my Dad always said,"we'll try to save it" as he opened up his pocket knife.. It did make us pretty careful around sharp things..


Superglue and or a bandaid. If it's dirty, a quick rinse with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol and then see previous. If it doesn't need stitches, a good adhesive bandage is as good as anything else, and with some polysporin under it it doesn't need any re-dressing, IMO. The Band-Aid waterproof ones (the clear ones) are the best I've used. I'm a mechanic and it will stick to a palm cut at work. They're the business.


Expedition Leader
The duct tape would be put over a bandage - just makes it more durable and less likely to come off accidentally.


Expedition Leader
Superglue has to dry 24 hours - I have heard.
Duct Tape would re-open the wound if you had to peel it or it peeled.

I think you did the best there was - and have a well stocked first aid kit.


Superglue dries in seconds. I use it all the time. And really, a cut that small that isn't in need of stitches would be just fine with a simple bandaid and a proper cleaning.


Superglue has to dry 24 hours - I have heard.
Duct Tape would re-open the wound if you had to peel it or it peeled.

I think you did the best there was - and have a well stocked first aid kit.

Nope. ER closed a 3/4" forehead gash on my son's forehead a couple months ago and he was released 15 minutes after they applied the DermaBond.


Thanks for the ideas. I was unaware of dermabond (guess that makes me a lucky father of three), but it sounds like it requires a trip to the Dr.'s office--something I was trying to avoid. I have heard mixed results with superglue, particularly about it preventing rapid healing. Maybe Ill try it on myself the next time I get a cut!


Some sort of lost...
I am a big fan of liquid bandage (several different brands out there, even a spray can). I manage to cut my hands all the time, don't know how but I do it ALL the time. As soon as I can stop the bleeding I rinse out the cut and apply liquid band aid. It is fairly flexible and sticks on very well. Allows you to work in water, wash hands etc. If you're in water a lot just re-apply occasionally. A basic band aid over the top helps keep the cut together, just don't get the sticky part of the band aid on the liquid band aid.

My most recent hand injury was a blender. Yeah, like I said, don't ask. Usually I hurt myself working on trucks and bikes, not half asleep in the kitchen at 4am. Nothing but liquid band aid and a traditional band aid to keep the wounds together. Healed perfectly, no sign at all of any (incredibly stupid) accident. Haha

Which reminds me that I nees to start putting together a new first aid kit for the camper...

Spray version. 3294631568&rt=rud&MDR=true

Brush on. (I use a q tip and throw it away after application rather than sticking a brush back in).
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Expedition Leader
I think what you did and used was fine, I would've have put on gauze on top of the tegaderm and then taped it shut along with advising her to be careful until it gets better. However, in my experience wounds heal faster when left open (like at night) and cleaned with hydrogen peroxide solution often.

On one of our in-the-middle-of-nowhere trips my 10yo had a skin infection around her thumb perhaps from some kind of a plant etc. It didn't hurt her but had red bumps on her fingers- she's not allergic to anything in particular. I ended up putting on some after-bite ointment and half dosage of Benadryl hoping that we wouldn't have to rush out back to civilization. An hr or so later everything cleared up. Having a basic first-aid kit is a necessity when traveling outdoors. I carry a Family Adventure Medical kit with a few add-ons.


Some sort of lost...
I think what you did and used was fine, I would've have put on gauze on top of the tegaderm and then taped it shut along with advising her to be careful until it gets better. However, in my experience wounds heal faster when left open (like at night) and cleaned with hydrogen peroxide solution often.

Very good point. Leaving the cut open at night (if it can be kept clean) is usually best to let it heal. Just keep it covered while she is active or until you're in a cleaner environment to tent to it.

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