The Owyhee


How'd you manage that? We saw No Tresspassing signs posted on that SW road up and out of the ranch--the one after the river ford.

When we passed through there were signs as well, though there were also signs on the approach to the 45 Ranch from the east. In that case (at least when we passed through in 2011) there was also a large informational sign put up by the Nature Conservancy, located just before the road dropped down into the canyon bottom. As near as I could tell from BLM maps, only the land below the canyon rim was private, and part of the ranch. We carried on up the steep shelf road, passed through a large closed gate at the top (which was also posted, for traffic going the opposite direction) and carried on toward Tent Creek. There we encountered another ranch, also posted with no trespassing signs, but after an initial concern we realized they were the same kind of sign that the Nature Conservancy uses elsewhere. We passed through without seeing any occupied buildings, and even saw a "please close the gate" sign and some others indicating that passage through that ranch was ok but stay on the road please (have forgotten the exact verbiage and unfortunately have no photo documentation). The terrain beyond to the west/southwest was mostly flat, and didn't get rugged again until the next day when we dropped down into Long Meadow Creek and eventually Devil's Gate.

I posted a thread about our trip a few years ago, in case you are interested. Photos nowhere near as nice as yours, but you get the idea:


I can't say I'd bother with the 45. I would hit Coyote Hole instead. You're really getting into the fine-grained detail of secrets I don't like posting on forums with that one, however. :)

Thanks for the tip and I know what you mean.

chris snell

There we encountered another ranch, also posted with no trespassing signs, but after an initial concern we realized they were the same kind of sign that the Nature Conservancy uses elsewhere. We passed through without seeing any occupied buildings, and even saw a "please close the gate" sign and some others indicating that passage through that ranch was ok but stay on the road please (have forgotten the exact verbiage and unfortunately have no photo documentation).[/url]

Interesting. The sometimes-murky distinction between private roads on private land and BLM roads with right-of-way through private land has bitten me on trips in the past. There's a similar situation in Comb Ridge, where the Ute tribe owns some plots of land along Comb Wash. They post no trespassing signs that lead you to believe that you can't travel Comb Wash road when in fact, you can. You just can't camp in the private areas. It's tricky, though. On our first day in NV (see first post), we ended up on private property with a rancher who wanted us to leave. have to be careful. Even more so when you're in an ex-military truck and you're in Malheur Occupation territory.


That happens a lot in the Silver City area. Residents posted private property and no hunting everywhere even though it is not. Creates a lot of confusion for the hunters up there. Of course no one knows who is doing it and you don't know if you are legal or not.

I have a map that shows what they call Cherry Stems in the Owyhee Wilderness Area. These Cherry Stems are authorized motorized access points that where established when the Wilderness Area was created. It does in fact show a stem coming into 45 ranch from the west and then after the crossing of the Owyhee two options at that point. One heading North and one heading South.


Man...I'm so ready for summer! Love this area! With the amazing amount of snow this year, the Owyhee's will be gorgeous. I'd be happy to tag along anytime.


Interesting. The sometimes-murky distinction between private roads on private land and BLM roads with right-of-way through private land has bitten me on trips in the past. There's a similar situation in Comb Ridge, where the Ute tribe owns some plots of land along Comb Wash. They post no trespassing signs that lead you to believe that you can't travel Comb Wash road when in fact, you can. You just can't camp in the private areas. It's tricky, though. On our first day in NV (see first post), we ended up on private property with a rancher who wanted us to leave. have to be careful. Even more so when you're in an ex-military truck and you're in Malheur Occupation territory.

Some murky details coming back to my aged brain after reviewing a few pix from that trip... I mentioned the large Nature Conservancy signboard placed at the top of the eastern descent into 45 Ranch. On the back side (facing away from the road) there was a map that actually showed the open roads, which included the one we took. That said, it was somewhat butt-puckering to drive through the second ranch, even though (apparently) it was ok to do so. Glad we did. I suppose any route across the high volcanic plateaus in that region is a good one, but we sure enjoyed that piece of road and the fact that we didn't see a soul until almost to McDermitt.

Looking forward to your next installment.

chris snell

Three Forks

After a great night of stories and whiskey, I looked up at the clearing skies and the Milky Way above before returning to the back of my truck and falling asleep with the breeze blowing through the open door tops of my Defender's front seat. I knew that it would not rain again and I fell into a deep sleep on my Thermarest. I woke up early to the bright sun coming through my windscreen and set about cooking the usual oatmeal breakfast. Peter is up early, too, so we inspect the carnage from the previous afternoon's mud slog:


Photo by Peter Matusov

We look at the map and plan a route: we'll cross a low mountain range before turning west into Oregon for our final rendezvous with the canyons of the Owyhee. We'll eat lunch on the river before heading upland to the Owyhee Mountains and Silver City, Idaho where we will camp for the night.

We're making good time as we grind up the dirt roads of the aptly named Juniper Mountain. I put on one of my all-time favorite road sets: the Grateful Dead's May 14th, 1974 show at the Adams Field House of the University of Montana.

"Jack Straw" may be the best road song ever.

Juniper Mountain is a mishmash of private and public lands. We passed a long-standing but recently used cabin and wondered how one might come to own such a plot, surrounded by federal lands. A family legacy perhaps?


Photo by Peter Matusov

Near the summit, we pass a large tower hosting microwave links, cellular antennas, and a ham radio repeater. I was surprised and pleased to see that the BLM is trying to eradicate the juniper tree on the mountain. Juniper is somewhat of an invasive species in this area and will choke out the sunlight for native plants and the wildlife that depends on those plants for food and shelter. I wished we had been able to gather some before the storm hit us the previous night; juniper makes an excellent and fragrant firewood if you can find it.


Photo by Peter Matusov

We descended fast on well-maintained gravel roads to the feeder canyons and ranchland that straddled the northwest flanks of the mountain. I had mapped out a doubletrack route that would take us directly to the Owyhee River but knew from my map recon that the road originated in the middle of a large ranching operation. I was hoping that we could gain passage but the numerous No Trespassing signs at the ranch told me otherwise. Instead, we travelled north until the land flattened and returned to sagebrush desert. A dozen or so miles north of the ranch, we turn off the improved road onto a dirt road heading west. As the afternoon heated up, the storm clouds rose once again. During monsoon season in the Great Basin, you can almost bank on getting rained on at least once a day.


Photo by Peter Matusov

We pass a lonely ranch before peeling off towards the northwest. It's the height of the summer and we come upon a BLM map and information box that has the current Oregon state fire ban notice stapled to it. The ban is incredibly strict: other than small propane stoves, you're not allowed any sort of fire. There's a detailed list of the mandatory equipment that backcountry travelers must carry which includes at least 5 gallons of water, a full-sized shovel (they will measure!), and a large-capacity fire extinguisher. It's questionable whether my shovel qualifies but we take the chance and carry on.

Not ones to follow the well-trodden path, we're soon off in the desert grass, searching for a shortcut to the convergence of the main, North, and Middle forks of the Owyhee river.


Photo by Peter Matusov

We find our shortcut and in short time, we're at Three Forks. The canyon walls are more gradual here and it's an easy descent to the river.

We ford the river one last time and circle the trucks on the far side to cook lunch. It's mid-afternoon and we're starving so I break out some Hempler's bacon and we make bacon sandwiches. It's hard to describe just how good and rich they were. We kill a pound and a quarter of bacon between the two of us and I end up with a belly ache from the massive fat overload.

After one last swim, we depart the Owyhee canyon for the northeast.

Peter is running low on fuel so we follow ranch roads to the farming town of Jordan Valley, where we let a greasy teenager fill our trucks--we're in Oregon again--and grab snacks at the convenience store before continuing northeast towards the Owyhee Mountains.

After some fast driving on twisty, improved gravel roads, we reach the once-prosperous former silver mining town of Silver City, ID. These days, Silver City is a vacation "ghost town" for Boise families to escape the scorching heat of the Treasure Valley below. The mining cabins and town stores are in various states of restoration. Some are in bad shape and others have been lovingly restored. The Idaho Hotel is the focal point of the town and we stop in for a candy bar before heading across the street for a scoop of ice cream.


Photo by Peter Matusov

The first thing you notice about summertime Silver City is that there are hummingbirds everywhere. Hundreds of them, fighting over the numerous but crowded feeders hanging from porches all down the main street.

The sun has set and so we make a hasty reconnaissance of campsites around town, eventually settling for one north of town on the banks of Jordan Creek. It's a quiet night--a light dinner after the bacon excesses of lunch--and only a little whiskey. We're exhausted from a very long and hot day and after building another tarp enclosure for the windowless 110, we turn in early.

Tomorrow, we head north for the Sawtooths.
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"Tomorrow, we head north for the Sawtooths"

Ok, you started this ... better keep it going! ... Anxious to hear about the rest of your trip

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