I just wanted to through a thread up to document my new camper setup and get some opinions on some of the modifications. So after a few years of camping with my family in a tow-able home-built camper, we've decided that we want to start going out more and take more toys with us, while increasing the distances we travel. The setup we've been using looks like this:
This has been a great setup, and helped us to get out 8-10 times a year for the last few years in some great areas. The only real drawbacks have been that the Bronco just isn't made to tow with it's short wheelbase and the power level of the '96 engine the trailer can only accommodate one motorcycle or the families bikes. It's now for sale and we're moving up to a rig that should give us more options.
I needed to maintain a truck to pull our family boat and our large 6x12 utility trailer (mainly used for construction), so getting an RV wasn't an option due to cost and available parking spaces. We figured that we could either go with a truck camper or a truck and larger toy-hauler type trailer. In the end, I wanted to continue to go further off the beaten path, so a truck camper is the option we chose. Because one of the main considerations was pulling power, I decided that I would go with a diesel. Due to my price range and the fact that I prefer Fords, it was either going to be a 6.0ltr from the '03-'08 era or a 7.3ltr. I'd always liked the 7.3s, but wasn't hopeful I'd find one meeting our needs. However, after a little looking, we found a super clean '03 crew cab, long bed w/ 80k miles on the clock.
The dealer actually gave me what I wanted for the Bronco ($2k more than I bought it for 7 years ago) and I was driving it home.
A couple days later, we pulled the trigger on our new FWC Hawk, just before the price increase for 2016. I'll put down more info about the camper later, but we got it mostly optioned out with the "silver spur" package.
For the truck, I knew pretty much what I wanted. I'm going to try and go with a flat-bed with under body storage and a box in front of the camper for the spare and camping supplies like this one:
The truck needs to be lifted a bit with a larger wheel and tire package, for both clearance and just for proportions of such a long truck. I ordered a 4" lift and 35" tires. Tires are in, lift is on the way and will hopefully go on over some of the days off over the next 3 weeks. Not sure if a bumper and lockers are in the budget now, but I definitely want to re-gear for the larger tires and increased load.
I'll also be buying or building a new trailer to pull behind the truck that will have an outdoor kitchen and a storage for camping stuff and our motorcycles (mine and my sons).
Stay tuned.

This has been a great setup, and helped us to get out 8-10 times a year for the last few years in some great areas. The only real drawbacks have been that the Bronco just isn't made to tow with it's short wheelbase and the power level of the '96 engine the trailer can only accommodate one motorcycle or the families bikes. It's now for sale and we're moving up to a rig that should give us more options.
I needed to maintain a truck to pull our family boat and our large 6x12 utility trailer (mainly used for construction), so getting an RV wasn't an option due to cost and available parking spaces. We figured that we could either go with a truck camper or a truck and larger toy-hauler type trailer. In the end, I wanted to continue to go further off the beaten path, so a truck camper is the option we chose. Because one of the main considerations was pulling power, I decided that I would go with a diesel. Due to my price range and the fact that I prefer Fords, it was either going to be a 6.0ltr from the '03-'08 era or a 7.3ltr. I'd always liked the 7.3s, but wasn't hopeful I'd find one meeting our needs. However, after a little looking, we found a super clean '03 crew cab, long bed w/ 80k miles on the clock.

The dealer actually gave me what I wanted for the Bronco ($2k more than I bought it for 7 years ago) and I was driving it home.
A couple days later, we pulled the trigger on our new FWC Hawk, just before the price increase for 2016. I'll put down more info about the camper later, but we got it mostly optioned out with the "silver spur" package.
For the truck, I knew pretty much what I wanted. I'm going to try and go with a flat-bed with under body storage and a box in front of the camper for the spare and camping supplies like this one:

The truck needs to be lifted a bit with a larger wheel and tire package, for both clearance and just for proportions of such a long truck. I ordered a 4" lift and 35" tires. Tires are in, lift is on the way and will hopefully go on over some of the days off over the next 3 weeks. Not sure if a bumper and lockers are in the budget now, but I definitely want to re-gear for the larger tires and increased load.
I'll also be buying or building a new trailer to pull behind the truck that will have an outdoor kitchen and a storage for camping stuff and our motorcycles (mine and my sons).
Stay tuned.
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