The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper


I say in the end ill have a Ultimate Post Apocalypse Go Anywhere Do Anything 4X4 that will be completely redone by hands that i trust. Kinda like the old Rolls Royces [lol]. When im done it will stand out in the entire motor world as a singular piece of mechanical work, I shall be inline for a nobel prize and covers of many magazines will want to mark up my work by draping scantily clad women all over it :chef::coffeedrink:


No progress lately as Ive been sick as the proverbial dawg . but the weathers been getting better maybe tomorrow ill try to get the trailer wiring done and the rear leaf bushings too. i did one the other day as I went out to see if the penetrating oil worked ..UMMM no i busted the bolt and as they are welded in I had to pull that side . get a 5/8 grade 8 bolt 4 inches long to replace it. The worst part was just getting the weight from the leafs so i could do the work. jack stands blocks Hi lift jack hydraulic jack etc ... all that was missing was the clown car and big shoes. :Wow1::sombrero: by the time i was done I was DONE


At least you're making some progress. I dabbled with my Trooper a little today, but my daily driver Festiva has a cracked engine block and that will be my focus the next few days. Hope you feel better soon.


New used seat from Arrow truck and transport . Bolted in with only minor farting around now to get them detail cleaned as the stock ones are thrashed.48f4a3fc-d264-420e-916e-717598bcd959.jpg6f4648e4-98ac-4076-bf7e-b45748da5b56.jpg


Nice looking rig. Reminds me of my 86. 90 HP and a 5 speed. Good in the days of 55 mph speed limits and the flat lands of Louisiana. It struggled badly in the mountains and was lost on the freeway when the speed limit went back up. Was a great vehicle with plenty of space inside. Got rid of it after 6 years as it was rusting from the inside out, (running the beach at the ocean might have had something to do with that).


The Credible Hulk
First gens are hideously vulnerable to rust, there are hardly any left around here. 2nd gens are MUCH more rust resistant, especially in the body.



I was given these a few days ago. I will have to get the insides coated and find a nozzle for them . gezz these blend in with my whole plan of the build


well when i was out being a dummy in the great outdoors i warped a rotor . the next day i had to drive from merritt to Kelowna and return. well on getting back to town i stopped in a purchased a new rotor and figured it was my dvr front that went all angry at me. well i slid into the job with the speed of a reluctant sloth. i had my friend AKA my helper monkey step on the brakes as i loosened all the bolts . from there it actually went rather smoothly for being a captive rotor. It rather surprised me any way a few pics to amuse you took me about 3/4 of an hour




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My new used 97 rodeo for 500$ Cdn i cant go wrong needs a CV and windscreen . hell I could fix it flog it and go whole hog on my 88 Trooper


Holey smchmoley , is that thing rigged soft:Wow1::Wow1: . I definitely have to improve that ride! So where to go I will try a T-Bar tighten first , that should take care of the front I think I will be selling it so dont want to sink tooo much money into it. I have heard say that a set of Jeep leaf springs or a set of Trooper springs will lift the rear end. Having said that I have no idea what years are required ....Any Help?:chef:

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