
Nice work! I used the cigarette plug for a gage as well. And with some additional trimming was able to fit another two analog gauges in the dash space. Another one you might want to consider (if you haven't already) is a fuel pressure gage. There isn't a PCM PID for it similar to a pyro. Fuel pressure needs to be >45 @ WOT for injector health. Blue spring is a good mod.

I can monitor TFT with my scanguage but since I added a Mag-hytec pan I added one in the pan. Interesting how they differ between pan temp and what the PCM is reading (10-15 deg)

autometer gauges.JPG


Every time I try to edit a post it just deletes it. Strange.

I'll eventually add a fuel pressure gauge. I plan on mounting it in the lower cigarette lighter plug location and then wiring in some usb ports separately. That'll have to wait though, I'm done spending money on this thing for a little bit.

I keep going back and forth on the mag-hytec style transmission pan. I do plan on going with the 6.4 style internal transmission filter when I change fluids so I'll need the bigger 6.4 pan or go aftermarket. The 6.4 pan holds a quart more fluid. I'll see how my towing temps are with the trucool and do more research on an aftermarket pan if I think I need additional cooling.


Blue Spring sitting in a box awaiting install.

I went with the navistar/international part number so it didnt come with a cover. It does have a new o-ring to seal it up, just $20 cheaper than the Ford part #


I did the 6.4 pan as well. More and better filtration is a no brainer. WRT to the blue spring mod the kit is different for the vans. But you probably know that but I find it difficult to cross-reference the international part #s to Ford.


I didnt know that. It's the first Ive heard of it. Thats the first Ive heard of it. Do you happen to know the difference between the two?
Hopefully it's just a difference in the cover. I know the kit has extra parts in it to make it work with different variations.


After looking around some the E Series has a different regulator cover. The F Series fuel line goes toward the cab and the E Series goes toward the radiator. The internals look to be the same. It looks like the new O-Ring gasket will still work as long as you reuse the old cover.


After looking around some the E Series has a different regulator cover. The F Series fuel line goes toward the cab and the E Series goes toward the radiator. The internals look to be the same. It looks like the new O-Ring gasket will still work as long as you reuse the old cover.

The part # for the updated fuel regulator kit for the van with a 6.0 is 4C2Z-9T517-AA. The F series is 3C3Z-9T517-AG. Not sure what's different between the two but you might be right about the cover plate.


Parts are rolling in.

The alternator on my van currently is a reman. I have absolutely no more information about it than that, I just can easily see the reman sticker.
Either way. It isnt keeping up how I'd like it to.
Weak alternator = more strain on FICM = eventually more strain on injectors.
I REALLY wanted a Leece Neville 230amp. Once again my budget limited my choices. I ended up going with the biggest alternator I could with stock battery cables. DC185.
I dont care to have a huge stereo system. I live in a hit climate so the glow plugs draw isnt as big of a deal. I keep it plugged into a battery tender all the time so the batteries stay topped off. Hopefully the DC185 will be enough. www.ficmrepair.com has good prices and good customer service so far.


I figured while I have it out I'll clean the turbo. Do a 360° rebuild. And a KC Turbos drop in 10 blade to make it whistle a little bit.


IPR EGR Delete w/ uppipe

The body comes off Tuesday hopefully. I have to wait for my brother to get home from a carshow this weekend. One of the tow pigs popped the motor 60 miles from the show so we might have some delays getting it back home. Unfortunately it was the one the most loaded, fortunately they were close enough to unload and drive them the rest of the way.

This go round:
ARP Studs
OEM Head Gaskets
IPR EGR Delete w/ uppipe
Intake Gaskets
KC drop in 10 Blade
360 rebuild kit
Update Turbo Supply
Update Turbo Drain
Update Stand Pipes
Update Dummy Plugs
Update HPOP STC Fitting
OEM Oil Cooler
Update Blue Spring
BPD 7.3 Adapter
Hayden HD fan clutch
Replacement Serpentine Belt
DC 185 Alternator

I wasn't going to stud it right now, but my brother talked me into it. While the body is up I might as well do all the updates and pain in the butt stuff.


You will be glad you did the ARPs when you start running the higher HP tunes just for peace of mind:Wow1:. Looks like you know you're way around the 6.0 for sure. I did a billet KCturbo billet wheel but eventually put in a stage 1.5. I also did the IPR kit as well as staying OEM on the oil cooler. Nice one piece design. Since you're in there and you seem the type consider the IPR oil screen. It's about as bomber as it get's.:)


  • IPR oil screen.JPG
    IPR oil screen.JPG
    94.8 KB · Views: 15


My brother messes with them a lot so he has helped. A lot of it I picked up from going through forums. I over reasearch everything lol.
If I had a little more cash I could spend it easily on a few more wants. But the budget has been stretched enough. I need a better money tree!

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