Camper living, as in, my only residence...


...My work of art
So, I'm looking 5 years down the road and am thinking that camper life maybe an option. I have a tacoma right now, not heavily built, but slightly modded, it's been good to me for the 3 cross country road trips I've been on. After lurking here for a while, I got the idea in my head that when I retire, it would be nice to sell my condo, hit the road and just stay there. I'm a free spirited person, single, and really have no wish to stay in any one place, and definitely wish to get the hell out of Connecticut. So does anybody here actually LIVE in their campers full time?


Senior Curmudgeon
If you have no home base, a lot of full-timers join the Escapee's club which will give them a TX, FL or SD residency with mail forwarding and many RV discounts. I'm not a member, but it looks like a neat idea.


Rock hound
I am :-D. Partly by choice, partly because I am having a difficult time justifying the ridiculous rental fees for mediocre living accommodations in the area i reside, and also partly because finding a place that allows two huge, well behaved "attack breed" dogs is becoming more and more finite.

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Funny you mention pups.

As our plans to live on the road develop, my idea of the perfect dog seems to be SHRINKING.

I've always been a large dog type of guy, but for full time RV travel, mid sized is looking much more realistic.


If you have no home base, a lot of full-timers join the Escapee's club which will give them a TX, FL or SD residency with mail forwarding and many RV discounts. I'm not a member, but it looks like a neat idea.

OP: If you're thinking about doing the RV-Camper full-time thing, start to consider changing your state of residency far in advance. CT has a personal income tax, whereas seven states currently don't have an income tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Some states (like CA) aggressively hunt former residents for money, so plan accordingly.


Is outside
Funny you mention pups.

As our plans to live on the road develop, my idea of the perfect dog seems to be SHRINKING.

I've always been a large dog type of guy, but for full time RV travel, mid sized is looking much more realistic.

Mellow is the key.


Is outside
OP: If you're thinking about doing the RV-Camper full-time thing, start to consider changing your state of residency far in advance. CT has a personal income tax, whereas seven states currently don't have an income tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Some states (like CA) aggressively hunt former residents for money, so plan accordingly.

I believe South Dakota and Florida are the two that make it easy to set up a tax free residency.


So, I'm looking 5 years down the road and am thinking that camper life maybe an option. I have a tacoma right now, not heavily built, but slightly modded, it's been good to me for the 3 cross country road trips I've been on. After lurking here for a while, I got the idea in my head that when I retire, it would be nice to sell my condo, hit the road and just stay there. I'm a free spirited person, single, and really have no wish to stay in any one place, and definitely wish to get the hell out of Connecticut. So does anybody here actually LIVE in their campers full time?

We did it ! Sold everything just before the holidays and New Years. We have been full-timing ever since. Its been awesome! We are mid 30s and still work from the road. So we are not 100% free but pretty darn close.


Wife and I were "homeless transient" people (full time travelers) for about 2 years, a few years ago. The suggestion to join Escapees is very valid ( we are still members). We used St. Brendan's Isle for our mail service. They were absolutely great (I have no direct business interest), just a very satisfied customer as is my brother, currently.
The Florida county tag offices are just down the road a few blocks from SBI and they are also very supportive with SBI customers. I even processed new vehicle plates via mail and internet thru them, very helpful.

Hope this helps.

A story - Wife and I visited Oatman, Az, along one of the restored Route 66 sections, then drove south to I-10 at the Az/Cal border. Had a late lunch at the marina bar, looking out a picture window at the boats on the river. We must have looked sort of ragged, as a high spirited lady and her husband came into the bar for lunch. When she asked who we were, I replied we were homeless transient people. She got a concerned look on her face, reached into her purse, and handed me a $20. Wife and I started laughing and handed her money back. We then had an nice impromptu conversation about traveling and such with her and her husband. Then we got into our F550 RV hauler and continued on our way. Morals of the story, be careful how you present yourself, be ready to meet many nice people, and be ready to enjoy a lack of most, if not all, time pressure.
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