NC to OR on the TAT in my 4Runner


WOW!!! Hard to believe that I originally wanted to start this journey almost 4yrs aog.

Guess What!

THE TIME IS NOW!!! After years of well Life, I have finally determined that if I keep on waiting for the right time then I will continue waiting my whole entire life so therefore I have spoke to everyone that matters and I am making the final preparations to go on the trip and by preparations I am buying some camping gear this month camping little bits here and there to determine what I will bring with me and I am also trying to obtain some help by way of sponsorship from companies with some essential items such as RTT and Tires. If I dont get these items then I will just be purchasing some all terrain tires. I will be making the trip solo in my 2015 Toyota 4Runner Trails Premium that I recently acquired this is her!


I will be taking the Trans America Trial the majority of the way camping out of, hopefully a RTT provided by a sponsor if not then I will be sleeping in the back of the 4runner, and documenting the trip on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and a few forums this being one of them. I am very excited to take this trip and forgot to tell everyone the biggest caveat of them all. I have NEVER been camping, this should be an interesting adventure.

So, stay tuned as I will be quitting my job, packing up, and leaving everything I know April 1st - 30th 2016
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Iam officially a Tent owner now!!!! I also picked up a snazzy blue sleeping bag!

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So as I stated before I have never been camping!! This being said with my new tent and sleeping bag I figured that I might as well try it out in the back yard before giving it a try in an unfamiliar spot for the first time!
So I built my first fire from scratch, that was an adventure in its self. I had a tough time at first due to all the rain that we have been receiving and the lighter fluid I had evidently was a victim of said rain so next was some race gas I had in the shed!

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I had to bring my boy Pumbaa to camp with me, this would be his very first night outdoors as well!! What can I say we are all pampered I guess!! Things went great, I live on the out skirts of the city on a farm with 50+ acres. i had no idea the amount of things that lived in the woods up util I heard a pack of coyotes at around 3am that were god awful loud, I knew we had a few running around here and there but had no idea that there was a pack living there geeze!! Well as you may have guessed my pampered little guard dog had no interest in protecting himself or me against said coyotes!! He stayed in the tent as I went to get the gun just in case they came closer!!

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Pumbaa will not be making the journey with me!

I finally got my GPS that will be holding the maps I ordered from Sam (the creator of the trail)


I have a feeling that me and this little thing will be very close soon, assuming i figure out how to work the damn thing!!!

In my next update I will be taking pictures of all the stuff I have so far and hopefully by then i will have heard back regarding some sponsorship.

By the way have I mentioned that going to work knowing that I am about to quit is getting ever so hard!! i hate this damn box and cant wait to break free.


Well-known member
This should be good, what are your Facebook and Instagram names?

By the way, I can only see two pictures, your 4Runner and the GPS.


Is outside
Have fun!!

You can be sponsored for quitting your job and living out of a vehicle for awhile?(????RRT sponsorship????)


I must say that I've run into quite a few snags over the few years that I've been planning this trip. However on Wednesday March 16th I ran into the biggest snag of all. while driving like an idiot on my motorcycle on the same road that I've done so since I was a teenager, I found that they've recently added a traffic circle. I found said traffic circle at about 80 miles per hour, breaking ribs 4 through 7 on my right side, laceration to my liver, collapse lung, and separating my right collar bone (that I just had surgery to repair a year ago) from the shoulder. I'm truly blessed to be alive thanks to the angles that constantly surround me and my helmet that absorbed an impact hard enough to take a chunk out.


Can't wait to see the bike!!
It is now Sunday and I look forward to being released on Monday to continue a speedy recovery. I still plan to go on my trip, I may forego some of the more extreme activities that I had planned. I'm sorry for what ever reason some of he pics are not showing I will see what I can do when I get to an actual computer. My social media names are as follows
Facebook: The Carolina Car Guy
Instagram: The Carolina Car Guy
Twitter: The Carolina Car Guy

BTW, does anyone know of an easier way to load pics and reply on this forum via my Galaxy Smartphone?


I'm making some progress in the preparation of the trip. Installed some All Terrain tires today and retired the slicks that came on the 4Runner. For the life of me I can't figure out why in the world Toyota would make an off-road specific vehicle and put street tires on it but ol' well. I reached out to various Tire manufactures to get some sponsorship with no luck so no advertising here!!


Well-known member
For the life of me I can't figure out why in the world Toyota would make an off-road specific vehicle and put street tires on it but ol' well.

It's mainly fuel economy. Glad to see some progress and I hope you have a full and swift recovery.



Here she is. I picked up a roof rack for free. I'm still hoping to get the rack and rtt from a company I reached out to for sponsorship. JRs Automotive in Lexington SC was kind enough to install everything and give the 4runner a good once over for me.

Thanks for the get well wishes, I'm hoping to be out of pain by April everyone seems to think that's pushing it but noone knows how bad I want to go on this trip!

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