Ozark Trail "High Performance" cooler - any good?


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Test Day 3

Low temperature last night was 54, it's currently 62, instant read thermometer displayed a temperature inside the cooler of 25.4°. This is the same internal temperature as yesterday, it doesn't appear to be any less ice than yesterday. After reading Schlitzy's post it looks like the test may go longer than 7 days. The air temperature is expected to go up in the upper 70's in the next day.


New member
So I checked this morning and no ice is left in my 52 qt. so mine lasted approximately 11.5 days in a consistent 69 degrees F.

I also did the flashlight test on both the 26 and 52 and absolutely no light.

I am very impressed with these coolers. The only thing that concerns me with the design is the orange attachment & posts for the rubber latches. They seem sturdy enough but I wonder over time and banging around the back of my truck/jeep if they'll hold up.

Great coolers for $96 and $147.


I'm gonna check out a few Wal-Mart's today for these coolers. More specifically looking for the 70. I see that the 52 is $147. Does anyone know what the 70 costs?


It appears these coolers are also nearly identical to the Gander Mountain Permachill coolers. They even sell replacement parts for them:

http://www.gandermountain.com/search/PermaChill Cooler

Seems like the same factory in China pumps out the Bayou Classic, the Gander Mountain PermaChill and the Ozark all with slight variations. With the Walmart pricing the Ozark seem to be a near steal if they live up to their claims. And its a real plus with the replacement parts available for them thru Gander Mtn. Reviews on the Gander site seem to be mixed

I picked up the small 26 qt Ozark from my local walmart to take it for a test drive...wanted the 52 or 70 but the was 26 qt was the only one of the shelf.
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New member
One more day of the test

Low temperature last night was 59, it's currently 79, instant read thermometer displayed a temperature inside the cooler of 25.6°. So the internal temperature has gone up .2 since yesterday, just a little less ice than yesterday.


New member
Ok guys, I have started a new test and will post pictures daily. I have the 26 QT Ozark Trail HP cooler and the 52 QT Ozark Trail HP Cooler and a Coleman Steel Belted Cooler I bought in 2003 I have used for camping and hunting every year since. It'll be the control. I packed all with ice at approximately 5pm Mountain Time tonight and threw in a few beverages on top. I'll update tomorrow.



Is the Coleman 52 qt? I ask because the test should be of equivalent size coolers since larger coolers will perform better than smaller with all else being equal.

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