Recommendations for Stand Up Paddle Board?


I am an land locked surfer and can't get to the ocean often anymore. Considering picking up a stand up paddle board as we are frequently traveling to places where I could jump in a lake or river and go for a paddle. I would also like to be able to take it out on a calm or small day and play in the surf.

Can anyone recommend a good board or brand to start out with? I don't want the cheapest thing I can find but I am OK with a beginner board. I am a big guy so am looking for the appropriate length/thickness to float me and sometimes bring my 6 year old along for the ride.



Surf tech saber !!! This is a fast easy to maneuver board. It is great for play or touring. Great for an evening or early morning paddle or a few day excursion .
I have a few boards but this is defiantly my go to for a well rounded do everything board.
I take this when I'm not sure what is in store for me on a trip. Because I know it won't let me down.
Have fun.....and hopefully you and the sea will meet again


Thanks Happykamper. I had a buddy that had a Surftech short board when they first came out. I was always impressed with how much they would float with such little volume. I'll give them a look.
Hi. Check out a Naish Nalu 10'6". I'm 6'2" 200lbs. Surf it, cruise on lakes/rivers and back bay. Whole family can use it. Also have multiple boards but the Nalu would fit your purpose.

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Purchased a Jimmy Styks inflatable at Costco while in Baja this past winter. Have had no problems with it and it's done the job. Easily stowable and inflates in minutes. More importantly, the dog likes it!



Looking at Jimmy Styks and Tower right now for an inflatable or two, curious if anyone has opinions on those two.


The better surf shops around here will allow you to take the boards out for a test run. There's lots of options available, be honest and realistic about how you expect to use your SUP and talk to knowledgeable people at your local shop. The folks in the know will help you select a board appropriate for your size, skill level and water conditions. Size and type of SUP is far more important than the manufacturer. Talk to experienced people, test ride as many boards as you can. Good luck with your selection, SUP'ing can become an obsession.


The better surf shops around here will allow you to take the boards out for a test run. There's lots of options available, be honest and realistic about how you expect to use your SUP and talk to knowledgeable people at your local shop. The folks in the know will help you select a board appropriate for your size, skill level and water conditions. Size and type of SUP is far more important than the manufacturer. Talk to experienced people, test ride as many boards as you can. Good luck with your selection, SUP'ing can become an obsession.

Thanks. I have been surfing for a lot of years and think I know what I want RE shape, volume, capabilities etc. but have not had a chance to play with any. It might be a long time before I can get back to one of the surf shops that I deal with. Going to try and find a Demo Day sometime this summer. Thanks for the input.


Expedition Leader
Don't do the inflatable ones...which I'm sure you know being a surfer...

I have a very high quality Riviera Paddle Board that I really like.


New member
We are SUP Team Tenerife, a group of Stand Up Paddle enthusiasts based in the beautiful island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. We offer Stand Up Paddle lessons and trips, SUP yoga and SUP Pilates lessons, trekking combined with SUP trips and much more! Visit our website to know more about us!


Working to sneak out of here and get to the water the first week in August. Going to spend a day looking a boards and try to rent or demo one or a couple while I'm there. I will try to get photos/impressions of whatever I get to play with.


Don't do the inflatable ones...which I'm sure you know being a surfer...

I have a very high quality Riviera Paddle Board that I really like.

Yeah, hard board is a requirement for sure. I want to be able to play around on flat/really small days which we have plenty of out here in the East. I don't get to the water very often and it sucks when I get time to go and it is dead flat or tiny.


We went out to Aurora Reservoir last weekend and spent about 4 hours on 2 rented board, had a good time working on our balance.

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