Snorkel Pre-Cleaner Options


When I purchased my JK a year and a half ago, someone had been nice enough to install an AEV snorkel. Not sure if I would've spent my money on it, but i'll gladly let a previous owner throw down the cash.

Anyways, we are all aware of the supposed benefits touted by snorkel manufacturers:
  • Higher water fording capability
  • Lower air intake temperatures
  • Less dust and debris being sucked into the air filter

My snorkel came with the "ram air" top, essentially just a hole facing forward. Looks cool, but I've always questioned its ability with the 3rd point. I live in a pretty dusty area down here, many sandy/dirt roads, lots of dust when off-roading, etc. My latest air filter has been in for 5k miles and is already very dirty and has quite a few bugs/ debris sucked into it. No bueno.


I decided to research and procure a prefilter and while doing so, ran into a few snags. Hopefully this will help out a few of you if you choose to go down this route.

First, I have a gen II AEV snorkel. Meaning the intake tube is 4" diameter. Gen I and most other snorkels seem to be 3-3.5" diameter. That leads to a limited selection of pre-filters. The common old style, clear bowl pre filters come in the nice 7" size for 3" tubes, but 4" tubes require bumping to a 10.6" diameter pre cleaner. This isn't that much of an issue, as it turns out they flow much better. The Donaldson pre-cleaner is rated at 339CFM. Compared to the 7" filters are all closer to 250ish CFM. BTW, according to calculations, a 3.6l motor at WOT in high RPMs is capable to ingesting around 350-375cfm. Now, does our motor do that? I have no idea. But, wouldn't want the to restrict that airflow if can help it.
Now, I went a head and purchased the cleaner, mounted it and immediately knew I'd made a mistake. It's huge. Mounted, it stuck out further than my mirror. Not a fan. Driving? No difference, in sound or power. Very happy about that at least. I came home, boxed it up and returned it.
Pro: Cheap. $45? shipped? I like the look of the clear bowl. Proven effective.
Con: Huge. Looks too big. Have to manually empty. Only 75% efficient. Sits above roofline


Next, I looked some more. AEV's precleaner is from Sy-klone. It's uses air to separate out the dirt, then ejects the heavy particles (sand, snow, etc) out a small slit. No need to empty it. It's also much more compact. Odd thing though, from everything I've read (someone can correct me if I'm mistaken), AEV uses a Sy-clone 9001 prefilter. This works on a 4" tube, but is only rated for 100-275CFM. That seems low. Sy-klone does offer a 9001R, same diameter, actually a tad shorter, but rated at 275-350CFM. No idea what the magical difference is between the 2. I searched high and low, only place I could find to purchase a 9001R was directly from Sy-clone. They have a warehouse about 1.5 hrs from here, so a quick call got the job done.
Pros: It's much nicer proportioned.
Cons: Much more expensive. Might require a slight modification.

Donaldson vs Sy-klone


Bottom of the sy-klone

Terrible shot of it mounted

When bottomed out, the edge of the cleaner touches the a-pillar. I thought of trimming the cleaner. For now, I just raised it up so it puts a gap between it and a-pillar and i'll keep an eye on it.

the exit for the heavy particles, facing rearward.

I have not yet driven with the 9001R installed yet. Not expecting to notice anything, except hopefully a cleaner airfilter.


Awesome compare. I had the donaldson also after getting it sized and felt it was way to big. Still running ram

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Nice write up.

Someone posted on here a little while back - The official Sy-klone instructions say to mount the exit slot towards the back.


Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Great thread. Thanks for posting this. :beer:

8k miles, and my air filter is filthy.
I need to look into a precleaner as well.


I had a hummer H3T with the V8 in it. I installed ARBs snorkel for it since we have all that fine silt here in Nevada. Anyways I called ARB about the pre cleaner and I had the same issue. Not enough cfm's with out running a huge canister. ARB only recommended the pre filter for low speed driving than switch to the standard ram air head.

Sk-Klone looks good!

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I've been running the pre filter that u get from AEV with he snorkel for a few months straight now....has anyone noticed that it restricts the air needed? Maybe I should be running the ram air head for normal driving?


Mine is the 9001

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Do you have the ram air top too? I'd be interested to hear any differences you would note between the two, considering the low CFM Sy-klone notes on the 9001 model. I have not noted any performance difference between the ram air and my 9001R.


I have both and will test them...just waiting on my new air filter to come

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Expedition Leader
Henry Ford knew to use a pre filter like that on my 1951 Ford Tractor but it's not a high flow requirment. The dirt falls into a glass jar and gets dumped. It really fills up when I run the wood chipper.


The Jeep and sand/desert buggy is in too much dirt from the desert for those gizmos so they get the best. Cut the leg off panty hose, stretch it over your filter and tie a knot. The shop vac or your hand keeps them clean. Sand, bugs and leaves bounce right off leaving your filter for the fine dust. The store bought stretch over pre filters do not work. They restrict way too much air and clog in a few miles. Dry air filters do not work. They clog too fast, don't hold as much dirt and let dust thru. You can tap them out but that drives the silt thru them. The only thing that traps the silt is oil. Not a believer? AFe made their name with dry filters. Guess what their best filters use? Oil. It's not vegetable oil like K&N but synthetic based. I use this one but they have series of filters that fit other applications. It holds pounds of dirt and still flows well.


The cool looking prefilter that's hanging out in the breeze creats a hassle of constantly worrying what branch will take it out. I'm sure it works but the ones I see for any real dirt work are the size of a 5 gallon bucket. UMP makes them but most run two to get enough flow thru them. Panty hose is the ticket because the dirt bounces off.

Edit: here is the UMP box.
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general question and some thoughts

do snorkels add a lot of noise while driving at highway speeds?

what about using those old what we called "Green weenie" foam air filters that we used on our dirt bikes?


Personally, lookswise I think your larger Donaldson looked fine on there. I would have kept that. I liked how it was wider than it was tall. Seems proportional to the size of the Jeep and intake. You mentioned that it sits above the roofline, but all of your options do. The Syclone doesn't look right to me. Like some kind of mushroom, or something phallic. This is strictly my opinion on looks only. I have the older AEV (knockoff) and run a Donaldson but also have the ram-air elbow. I might switch back to the elbow for awhile and see if gas mileage improves at all.


New member
I was just in contact with Sy-klone about a pre-cleaner for my 2014 Tacoma 4.0L. They suggested the 9001 with 100-275 cfm, not the 9001R. If sized to big, I assume it doesn't clean as well because there is less air spinning the blades.

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