Looking for teammate for the Rebelle Relay


Soon to be adventurer
Hi Ladies!

I am looking for a teammate who might be interested in being my driver in the Rebelle Rally this October 13-22. Here's a link to the website if you need more info about what this is: www.rebellerally.com

Here's what you need to know about me:

-My husband and I are quitting our jobs at the end of September to start a 2-3 year trip down the Pan-American Highway and then over to Africa. So timing wise we're ready to go! We are calling ourselves Running From Monday and have a Facebook page and website under that name and an instagram @runfrommonday, if you want to check us out!
--I am going to work my butt off for the next three months to learn everything I can about navigation
-I have already made a list of sponsors to contact, plus I am lucky to have parents with a lot of “contacts” (also known as rich friends) who own businesses and may be potential sponsors
-I have a 2010 RX350 that I was planning on selling before we leave in October on the big trip, but may hold on to it if we need a vehicle. My husband and I are also not opposed to buying a vehicle if needed that we can outfit and then sell after the race (or hold on to for future races).
-I rarely have to stop to pee…

Please let me know if you're interested! I am ready to register today!!!
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Sounds like a blast! good luck finding a driver. I teach map and compass navigation for search and rescue, so if you need any pointers drop me a line.


Soon to be adventurer
Thanks so much. Where do you teach S&R? My husband is a volunteer for Marion County in Oregon and he's been trying to get me into mapping for a long time. Now I'm hooked! Would you know of anywhere besides REI and orienteering clubs to find classes? Maybe online classes or any good study materials I could order and download? Thanks!


New member
I would *SO* love to do this! Unfortunately, I'm already signed up for YOUtopia during this timeframe.

My BF and I have similar plans to you, but don't expect to leave until 2017. Our FWC camper is Wild Eagle, and has his own Facebook profile, too. I just Liked your page, and would love to follow your adventures and keep in touch, since it looks like you'll be 6-12 months ahead of us.

Good luck with the Rally! It sure looks like fun! :)

PS. I tried clicking the link to your FB page above, but got an error. Looks like there's an extra .com at the end.


Soon to be adventurer
I would *SO* love to do this! Unfortunately, I'm already signed up for YOUtopia during this timeframe.

My BF and I have similar plans to you, but don't expect to leave until 2017. Our FWC camper is Wild Eagle, and has his own Facebook profile, too. I just Liked your page, and would love to follow your adventures and keep in touch, since it looks like you'll be 6-12 months ahead of us.

Good luck with the Rally! It sure looks like fun! :)

PS. I tried clicking the link to your FB page above, but got an error. Looks like there's an extra .com at the end.

Too Bad! But have a blast with YOUtopia, I'll have to look that one up. We'll definitely have to keep in touch because we plan to move pretty slow! : ) I sent a friend request on your page from my account to follow you as well, and thanks for the heads up on the link.


I wish I could! Lack of PTO and $ ....
I was looking at the Rally page a while ago and dreaming....
Hope you find a driver soon!

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