Storage Drawers / Platform for my GMT800 Suburban - WIP


Expedition Leader
Finished the latest modifications for the rear AC vent and for bolting down the cargo drawer modules more effectively. Everything ready to put back in the Sub tomorrow.

I got some black mesh windowscreen, cut to overlap the rear AC vents by at least an inch. I then smoothed it flat on one end and used a hot melt glue gun to stitch-tack the screen in place. Then continued holding the screen flush to the plastic panel in strategic places and putting dabs of glue right on and thru the screen onto the plastic, where they won't be seen from the outside. And once done I re-attached the factory fiber insulation pad back in place.


Then it was the last fitting of a sunken bolt location in the right rear corner by the AC. I'm using a factory tie down anchor bolt location. I countersunk the hole about half way thru the plywood. When I find the right bolt tomorrow I'll grind its head down enough to be flush. Turns out the drawer skids totally overlap the bolt location. So it has to sit flush down in that hole. Can't remember right now if it's an M10 or M11 bolt.

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Holes look good actually, might be doing something similar down the road.

I like the plan to check out some of the Ansel Adam locations. Ive been meaning to hit the Sierras in summer.


Expedition Leader
I might make a very long one-day run up to Manzanar and back, sooner. I want to get some pix of the east side with the huge snow pack that's going on now. I's around 200% right now in the central Sierra. It's only about 200mi from our door. And Lone Pine / My Whitney is closer. I'm thinking hit there first, get the morning light there and then on to Manzanar for Noon / westering sun. Maybe loop back home thru Panamint. But that's a REALLY long day. Maybe overnight in Lone Pine and then I can take my time thru Panamint, make it a two-day.

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Expedition Leader
Nothing new to report, really, just shopping around for some flush mount ring pulls for cabinet doors to use for my two top hatches, has to be somethign my dogs won't snag their toes in. Preferably in black, flush and unnoticeable as possible, if anyone has any suggestions.

Early morning light yesterday, something about the look struck me so I took a pic.

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Expedition Leader
heh. Long damned drive to Bozeman from down here. (although to do have a low probability plan of driving up your way for the total eclipse in August)


Put in a Southco-brand flush pull-ring latch in the drawer platform top latch. Didn't find anything better after looking for a while. Not sure the dogs won't snag a toe in it. Might stuff it with a wad of foam to help prevent that.
The latch requires a 2" dia hole thru the cabinet door and was meant for a max door thickness of 5/8". I used 3/4" for the top deck, plus the carpet, so I bought some longer M5 bolts to make it work. And there's a small angle bracket to mount for the latch to engage. Since if basically sits flush with the roof of the drawer compartment I went ahead and installed it. No interference problem with the drawer's various storage bags.

And in the first pic you can see the beating my 'sacrificial' lip mouldings are taking already.


And I finally got my half and half lighting solution all working, to go along with the drawers.

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Look at that thing light up. What was the idea with the half and half lighting, to designate the different supplies in each drawer? I must have missed your thoughts on that but I like it.

I had a question about how your paddle latches were holding up and whether or not they hold the drawers closed properly. IE, does the latch actually move high enough and fit into its groove above when closed, whatever you have cut into the plywood cross support? And exactly what kid of cut out did you use, worried that eventually, without a metal fitment of some kind in there, the latch could wear away its tight fit in the ply.

Ive now scanned back through both this thread and the vortec one but can't find that link you posted for the latches. I went ahead and bought these:
I liked that they were already black and had a latch hook, but after mock fitting them I don't think I want that latch catch/hook to be hanging down and possibly preventing easy closure of the drawn when fully loaded.

Nice work on the top latches though.


perpetually lost
using red light can save your "night vision" Your eyes will not adjust back to "bright light" as quickly if you use red light so you can switch on red lights, grab a beer from the cooler and return to camp without being blinded.


Expedition Leader
One of my too-many hobbies is amateur astronomy. Red light all the things. But other times I want white light. So I 'got both'. And elected to put the white light on the half above the power module and the drawer full of tools and emergency gear.
And this way I can use the vehicle's 'dome override' to kill the interior lights completely and have enough red light to pack up my astronomy gear without annoying / offending the rest of the club / other observers.
Options, with options and a side of options.

on the paddle latch engagement, I've installed striker plates into the underside of the top deck and had to make some relief cuts in my trim molding to accomodate them. And wound up having to shim them (for now) to get a good engagement. If / when I go to a nylon or teflon runners, the drawers might sit a little higher adn I can take out the shims.

eta my 8" mirror dobsonian telescope, with some oak accessories I whipped up for convenience


And during my brief membership with the Los Angeles Astronomy Society I was fortunate enough to get in on a club night using the original 100" telescope at Mt Wilson Observatory. For some of the higher angle targets we got to / had to climb right up on the back of that historical artifact, one foot on the scope, one on that yellow platform ladder.


I'm having trouble with astigmatism now, my 8" scope is about useless for what I bought it for. I have to get fitted for expensive contacts to make full use of the scope again.

btw, that 100" scope is rarely used for 'real' science anymore and it is available for rent for parties, company events whatever. IIRC it was somewhere around $1000 and that includes two observatory members to operate it, act as tour guide / docents and keep you from electrocuting yourselves on the huge DC motors that operate the dome. And advise you on how not to get eaten by bears.
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Woah, would love to take a look through that thing thats got to be incredible. My interest in astronomy usually goes as far as my camera, although always found telescopes fascinating when using friends.

And of course the red light is to save the eyes, for some reason I didn't think of that and they were on one switch. Normally I kill all lights anyway and just have my red light going on the headlamp, but I like the idea of a strip of red LED mounted. Great idea Rayra.


Expedition Leader
thanks. I added two switches right above the existing lock switch on the right side D pillar / hatch opening. 2 smaller switches side by side above the larger factory switch. The rearmost (related to the vehicle) switch is the red light. SO it's easy to find by feel in the dark and little chance of me hitting the wrong switch and blowing out my night vision.

unrelated edit / note making, sans bump

I still need to get around to figuring my own sleeping extension. I might do similar folding panels as yours. The Suburban second row, the seat bottom tips up and forward, the backs fold down and forward, a bit of a wedge fit. I'm looking into either bridging the sleep extension to rest on top of the seat bottom, or have another hinged panel that slips down between the seat portions, 'insert Tab A into Slot B' style. And make such a platform extension on each of my two separate drawer modules. OR just make it span both modules and only install it when I plan to use it.
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Expedition Leader
another topic rescued from Photobucket's extortions. Really get a headache trying to re-edit all these image links, after migrating my images elsewhere.

Nothing new to report on the existing build, it's doing its jop well and holding up to regular use. Haven't hit a lot of washboard roads yet, though.

And I want to add or replace the top deck with a different carpet pile / style which won't trap dog hair. AND add some close-cell foam padding. Maybe that dense foam fatigue / playground matting. I've had occassion to crawl around on my platform and zero cushion is sucking hard.

Also, I'm gearing up for Phase II of my power project and will be integrating rooftop / external solar, so I may be adding some details on that expansion in the next couple months.

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Expedition Leader
Just a little update on my build design.
Here it is with 600# of bagged concrete resting on those thin skeletonized side panels. No observed trouble and I could still manipulate the drawers with the weight on them.



“Working on fitting my paddle latches, which requires some relief cutting of both the inner drawer face 3/4" ply and the outer 3/4" hardwood. Different cutouts.”

(Tried, and failed, to paste your original picture here)


Do you remember the source you used for your paddle latches?
BTW: thanks for “rescuing” this thread from photo bucket. It would be a shame to lose such a well thought out and documented build.


Expedition Leader
IIRC I got them from Northern Tool. Any 'farm supply' company should have them.

/and thanks, glad it's useful

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