Insurance in Morroco


I am looking to spend some time in my truck ,7.5t in Morocco later this year.

My UK based insurance company don't appear to be too good at providing a green card.

Does anyone know of a European or Moroccan Insurance company that I can contact in advance and try to source insurance .

many thanks


part time nomad

Hello Neil,

If your insurance company wont provide a green card, then its not a problem, you can buy the insurance cover at the border, although sometimes you can get it cheaper further in land. the trouble with that is you have to risk driving without cover! you buy it to cover the days you intend to be in the country, it will not cover you for much at all! but it would be essential if you were to have an accident and hurt someone, (if you did they would lock you up) with insurance you stand a good chance of getting out!

Its sold in blocks, say 5 days 14 days 20 days


Tea pot tester
If you end up getting insurance as you just arrive off the boat remember (unless it has changed) that if you say three seats they'll charge you as a commercial truck, but they suggested to us that including the seats in the back makes it a five seater and not commercial, so much cheaper.
I'd be interested if you succeed in getting it in advance so keep us posted!

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I was there very recently and bought insurance just after clearing customs.

It was very simple and straightforward, anyone you ask will point you to the right place.

If you buy 2 months worth, you get the 3rd month free.

All the details here:



New member
Try to call a travel agent he Guides you better than the others because they face many issues on daily basis so I will recommend you to call any Travel agent it better.


topless adventures
You can't buy insurance for Morocco in advance from Europe in my experience (three trips between 2013 and 2016). But at each port of entry there will be a stand that sells policies for temporary import foreign vehicles. The price is standardized, so it doesn't matter what agency you buy from. We always landed at Cueta and as you cross out of the Spain/Morocco border there is a large parking lot. On the right hand side is a row of stands with one selling insurance. Of course, the day we arrived their computers were down, so had to go to Tetchouen (about 30 minutes south) to get insurance. Whatever port you arrive at will have an insurance stand, or they can give you directions to where you can buy it. I would build some flex time into your first day because while it is pretty simple once you find an agent, finding one that is open and working has presented challenges on two out of our three trips.


Morocco Knowledgebase

The best online resource for Morocco (along with WikiOverland) is Morocco Knowledgebase ( MK is more customized though and specializes in Morocco only.

It has been created and maintained by Tim Cullis, an Englishman who has travelled extensively the whole country and is considered to be a guru of overland travelling in Morocco.

BTW, Tim Cullis, has been our lifesaver when the car broke down high up in the Atlas mountain range near Agoudal.:snorkel:

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