2000 ford Excursion camping/backcountry vehicle

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Not sure if you are referring to me when you say both, but Im currently debating between a K9 rack, a front runner rack, and a rhino rack, all full length.


I'm planning on building my own since I can weld and have access to a tube bender. Full length with 4 mounts for some hids on a actuator is my plan. Just need the time to build it now.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Out of curiosity I looked on craiglist today. 4x4 diesel excursions are crazy expensive!!

Haha INSANELY expensive. I won't say exactly how much, but I paid mid twenties for mine with 116,000 miles. It was in exceptional shape in the color combo and gears i wanted so i paid it, but dang it was a hard check to write. People know what these things are worth, and how long they will last once purchased. At the end of the day I paid 13,000 less than a Rubicon or 4Runner trail and chances are that it will outlast both. The extra cash will pay for my modifications and a trip or two to boot. Bottom line is that there's a reason people are paying what they do for these trucks, and it's not their rugged good looks lol

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Yeah the v10 has returned a good life span average from what I hear. In today's market I would be willing to bet that you could buy a V10 and with the extra gas burned it would still be much cheaper than the 7.3 in the long run. The disadvantage? You lose the range


New member
The V10 tends to like to spit plugs because of the threads or lack thereof word of advice is to go ahead and Timesert all at once cost about 100 dollar a plug for a shop to do it or 25 a insert for DIY. Other than that love our remaining Ex. We used to have a 7.3 i snagged at a steal back in '13 it was a '01 w/ 180k on the odometer that i paid 6500 for sadly was totalled that summer should have sold it for 12k when i had the offer to.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Haha no worries

Ill start and end this response with WE DO NOT WRITE ADVERTORIAL.

Some of the items going onto the truck I will pay full price for, some will be discounted, it just depends. The reality is that journalism companies can't afford to buy a bunch of products just to review them. Heck many can barely afford to pay writers these days lol. This is why outdoor gear companies have massive inventories of test products to send out. When a marketing rep reaches out and asks if we can review their product, they must agree to an unbiased review, ie if we review it and there are problems we still have to be honest. Some companies dont agree to that and walk away, others will stop doing business with us if we write poorly on their product, but that's just part of it. I won't say who, but we've lost significant advertisers over bad reviews. Its hard to shoot yourself in the foot like that but we hope that it benefits the reader in the long run. For the most part when someone gives us a product to test we will send back, but sometimes the cost of them shipping it and paying for photography and promotional images would be far more so we work out a trade. Other times, like my teardrop article written here- http://expeditionportal.com/home-on-the-road-life-in-the-so-cal-teardrop/ we pay for everything.

SO long story short yes and no; but it will never impact the result of the review, and we never produce advertorial. EVER.

If there are ever any questions or doubts on it please feel free to post them and call any one of us out. I've written some dumb articles before and really put my foot in my mouth, but Ive never lied about a products performance.

If I totally misread your question im sorrry haha just wanted to clarify so everyone knew where it stood before we progressed.

Thanks for asking :)


Very well explained ...marketing products is a huge factor that makes or breaks the line of product specially if reviews start coming back negative.

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