A Little Different M416 Trailer Build


Blissfully Lost
Picked up the ⅛ plate, cut out the shape using the template, bent the plate around the tube (not easy). Tacked the plate to the tubing.
Bolted up tube fenders, and boom, fenders done.
Next up rhino lining.
Having them spray the fenders, complete inside of tub and the very top of the lid.
Should be able to get this done in the next 3-4 weeks.
Might start working on the telescoping rack till then.


Blissfully Lost
Thank you AML, it's been slow, I can't wait to take it out on its first trip...
I set up the bases for the telescoping rack today using 2x2 ¼ wall.
I will weld the bases to the frame and I set up some brackets about half way up (where the black paint is missing) that it will bolt to the tub up underneath the lip of the tub.
So next up is welding the bases of the rack to frame and weld brackets to 2x2's so it can be bolted to the tub body.
Another step closer today.


Blissfully Lost
I got the solar panels I have been researching and looking at for a while.
These are one of the most efficient solar panels out there.
They are really well made and will not take up nearly any room in the trailer.
They have attachment points all around the perimeter of the panel so you can mount/hang it anywhere.
I picked up some extra connectors to be able to use the panel with other batteries/vehicle, etc..
The company has the BEST customer service I have ever had, awesome people.
I now need to pick up the battery I chose below...
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Blissfully Lost
Awesome build, can't wait to see the RTT and batwing mounted.

Thanks guys, it's been 2 years, probably the slowest build ever.
I am hoping to have time this weekend to work on welding in the cross bars for the rack.
I am then going to make brackets that work with my rack for the batwing and weld them on.
After that I need to run the wiring through the rack for the lights.
Once that's all done I will need to order up 4 gas struts that I will use to raise the rack up to 80 inches.
I think I am going to use a hand winch and cable set-up to lower the rack since each strut will need to have a 125 pound force each.
I am not a fan of those electric strut/lift things....
Still batting that around in my head. The goal is to be done before the first good snow fall.....


Blissfully Lost
This weekend progress:
I was able to get the rack welded up this weekend. I gusseted each bar.. I ran some wire through the tubing to be able to pull the wire for the lighting through, hopefully next weekend.
I started with the bar in the center and the went out 31 inches on center for the adjacent bars, which is required for the Cascadia Tent ( Denali Summit Series ).
I will cap the ends of the tubing and go with some black spray paint. I also need to figure out which struts I will go with as well.
To retract or bring down the tent I am looking at using a hand crank winch: https://www.harborfreight.com/2000-lb-c ... -5798.html
After I hit that point I will work on making brackets for the batwing... sssoooo close.......



Blissfully Lost
I knocked out the wiring, caped the ends of the tube and started working on the batwing brackets. Rhino Rack includes 2 brackets to use to mount onto your vehicle/trailer. These brackets will not work for me so I broke out the plasma cutter and made a brake for my press to cut and bend some up that will work. I used ¼ plate for the brackets. By request Rhino Rack also sent me extra T-Bolts because I am going to make 3 brackets to ensure there is no failure issues going down trails bouncing all over the place. I hope to make some more headway soon


Blissfully Lost
I haven't made it that far, the holidays & work have slowed things down....
I believe I will be using the struts that are exposed (not inside the tube).
Putting them inside the tube would be a P.I.T.A. to replace and really not necessary other than for aesthetics and theft deterrence which when it comes to the gas shocks I am not too worried either way.
I now have my wiring pigtail wired into the rack and the lights bolted in. I also have the rack painted and clear coated black, that's kind of where I am at on it now. I have some vacation time coming up in a few weeks and I hope to make some good headway then.

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