For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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Expedition Leader
I wasn't talking about guns in particular. Just responding to the idea of, "Hey, let's talk about hiding places".

Doesn't matter what it is, it's a bit daft to post about secret hiding places on the net.

Right up there with posting Youtube vids talking about the crimes you're planning to commit.

because everyone is paying attention to you.


Tail-End Charlie
because everyone is paying attention to you.

Mad OpSec bro...super secret squirrel ****.

Please. zimm starts a thread about big brother watching, then shifts over to this thread and says no one is watching.

But he was right the first time - Big Brother is watching. If it's on the net, assume it's being recorded. Because it is.

And that was over a decade ago.

Also assume it's being analyzed. Because it is. Automatically.

So my point stands. If people have any secret hiding places, it would be stupid to post about it on the net.

And not just because Big Brother is watching. Crooks (well, other crooks besides Big Brother), use the net too.

But feel free to post all about your hiding places.

Me personally...I have no hiding places. That would be dishonest and honesty is always the best policy. After all George Washington admitted to chopping down the cherry tree and that got him elected as The Father Of Our Country because he was so honest.


Me personally...I have no hiding places. That would be dishonest and honesty is always the best policy. After all George Washington admitted to chopping down the cherry tree and that got him elected as The Father Of Our Country because he was so honest.


Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.


Active member
Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.

I know the Best course of action for me when I travel from N.C. to NY is just to keep it locked up (trigger lock most likely would work) and out of reach from the drivers seat.


Gentleman Adventurer
I highly recommend having insurance for anyone who carry's a firearm. I have US law Shield and it is best program out there. In addition to just the insurance they had education and first aid seminars that are very informative.


Expedition Leader
Please. zimm starts a thread about big brother watching, then shifts over to this thread and says no one is watching.

But he was right the first time - Big Brother is watching. If it's on the net, assume it's being recorded. Because it is.

And that was over a decade ago.

Also assume it's being analyzed. Because it is. Automatically.

So my point stands. If people have any secret hiding places, it would be stupid to post about it on the net.

And not just because Big Brother is watching. Crooks (well, other crooks besides Big Brother), use the net too.

But feel free to post all about your hiding places.

Me personally...I have no hiding places. That would be dishonest and honesty is always the best policy. After all George Washington admitted to chopping down the cherry tree and that got him elected as The Father Of Our Country because he was so honest.

no, your post is ridiculous. do you really think some thief that has the skill to discern the real ID of you thru this website, is after your secret hiding spot so bad he's going to track you down in a different country while youre on a 6 month trip, just to make off with your passport while youre 20 feet away negotiating on a bag of kumquats?


Expedition Leader
Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.

drive the same speed as the locals, don't hang it in your pickup gun rack, don't do it if you smoke weed or have had weed in the car, don't have warrent out for something stupid like open parking tickets, and if pulled over, dont sweat and keep staring at your trunk.


Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.
What I have been told is to have the weapon secured unloaded, either in a locked box or a trigger lock, and the ammo in a separate location. I think the main idea is not to be readily accessible.


Does anyone have experience bringing a rifle across multiple state lines? Obviously the laws are usually well stated when it comes to concealed carry but it's more confusing when it comes to rifles.

Depending on the state you still need to be careful with items that they ban in their state. These items may, or may not, include standard capacity magazines, flash hiders, bump stocks etc.



New member
Can’t believe I just read through all this. Glad I live in the west where we are not restricted as much, although we are becoming Calirado. I just don’t understand the mentality, well I have never needed one so I don’t need it. If you don’t want to carry, fine or are scared fine then don’t carry but leave us alone that do choose to carry.

I don’t open carry unless in camp or the woods but again, if someone chooses to do so elsewhere fine with me. Leave them alone and don’t try to psycho analyze them, good freaking grief. To that bonehead that was harassing the guy in the restaurant, he should have called the cops and filed a harassment charge.

One last thought, failing to plan is planning to fail. Sorry, rant off.


I'm glad I live in Canada on this topic. Here, is no restricted FA and your good to go. As long as no ammo is in rifle you can be almost anywhere. When leaving a FA unattended , trigger locked or in locked case and out of sight .Coast to coast to coast


Active member
I plan on traveling a lot this summer and fall across the US. I plan on being armed while doing so as I will be alone and will be camping and hiking remote areas. I agree with what a lot of people on here are saying and that is to do your research. I wish there was some kind of federal concealed carry permit for such travel. Although the Safe Passage Provision protects us with interstate travel, the lines can be considered blurry. You are allowed to stop for food and gas between locations where you can legally posses the firearm that otherwise would prevent this. ? For me, I know I need to do my research about which states and where I can not only pass through, but camp, go hike, stop to sight see, and go mountain biking. The last thing I (or anyone) needs is to be in violation for simply trying to exercise your rights and have protection while simultaneously exploring various states.

And just my opinion but I see no reason to open carry anywhere other than out in the wilderness. Don't make yourself an obvious/easy target. In town just conceal. Or do not carry.
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