Newer dash style in older van??


Has anyone tried this. Will a 97-07 dash directly bolt into a 92-96 van?

Thanks for any input in advance.


Last time I looked it appeared that they mount using the same points, but the gauge clusters are probably going to be funky.


Forgot to mention, I would be using the gauge cluster from the newer styler as well as the wiring harnesses.


I found a thread on another forum where someone went through the headache of making that conversion. You should be able to find it with some googling. Looked miserable


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I wouldn't recommend it. Can/bus system in the newer dash too. MG could chime in, I don't think he'd recommend it either.


I found a thread on another forum where someone went through the headache of making that conversion. You should be able to find it with some googling. Looked miserable

Can't seem to find it. Any idea what forum to look in?


I wouldn't recommend it. Can/bus system in the newer dash too. MG could chime in, I don't think he'd recommend it either.

Ya i can see how that would be an big issue when going dealing with different drive trains, I'm actually swapping all components, so it would be basically taking all from the newer and putting in the older, including drive train.


Ya i can see how that would be an big issue when going dealing with different drive trains, I'm actually swapping all components, so it would be basically taking all from the newer and putting in the older, including drive train.

That would be the only way it could be done without major headaches. all of the new van modules need to be in place, all of the wiring, etc... The bolt fit-up may need some massaging here and there but the vans are the same shape so everything should fit in there.
What about putting a 00-05 ish cluster with the tach in a 97? They are from the same generation at least but who knows how many wiring changes there were. I keep seeing those clusters at the u pull it yard and would love that tachometer. Anybody done that one?


What about putting a 00-05 ish cluster with the tach in a 97? They are from the same generation at least but who knows how many wiring changes there were. I keep seeing those clusters at the u pull it yard and would love that tachometer. Anybody done that one?

F-350/250 truck cluster ?fits? from memory, it has a tachometer. I don't know if it's a direct swap, but I do remember hearing about it more than once.


"Holy old thread resurrection Batman..." :cool: If you still want to do this, here's how.

I saw a post on FTE vans sub-forum asking about cluster swaps on up to '96 vans. Forgot that I did this project following an old truck forum thread. Anyhow, it can be done using an F-250/350 gas engine cluster from the same era (92-96) vehicle, then swapping pins in the harness at the back of the cluster.
Read away, but be sure to read to the end before tackling it. (I'm 95CWChateau on FTE).
Finally Done, Cluster Swap w/Tach
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