"Budget" Vehicles for DD/OL


New member

I have come a long ways the past few days. First and foremost, I have realized something that I have been trying to get my wife and buddies to do (travel camping out of a vehicle) has a term! I am in the middle of some major vehicle research and I would appreciate some insight. 90% of the time, the vehicle I choose will transport my wife and dog on the usual outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, hikinh, kayaking, etc). The other 10%, I am interested in making some longer range trips camping out of the back of the vehicle. I am in SC and would love to make the trip to Montana. Budget is 7k.

I started off looking at Jeep Cherokee Xj. I like the vehciles, but I can already tell it will be hard to find one that is in good condition. Granted, I have not been searching long, but XJ's have been the most beat up vehicle on my list. I also notice they are more popular with the hardcore off roaders.

Second I moved to 4runners. I love 4runners. But I think they offer the least value because of their price used. I don't want to spend 5-8k on a vehicle that is right at 200k miles. If price was not an issue (and it always is because I am a cheap SOB) I would go with the 4runner.

Finally, I have moved on to the "other" category. I really do like both the Isuzu Trooper and the Mitsubishi Montero. Aesthetically I prefer the trooper. I do prefer an automatic transmission. I have found nicely priced examples of both models and I think they are a great value. What I do worry about is reliability. I know the trooper has some transmission issues with the automatic. I have not found anything of note on the montero. How do these vehicle compare to the legendary 4runner as far as reliability? Are they easy to work on?

What would you guys suggest someone with limited wrenching skills go for? I am open to learning and working on my vehicles, but I don't want to wrench more than drive.


New member
The trooper and montero are going to be the best value for your dollar, troopers are going to be a bit more common then the montero. At least that's the case in my neck of the woods. I own a 92 Isuzu trooper with a 5speed transmission. Purchased it in May with 158k and it's now getting close to 165k, most I see in the junkyards or forsale on CL have 220k+. I've only done minor maintenance. Changed fluids, alignment, tires, etc. I drove it from Texas to Minnesota in August without a hiccup. I have to say the second generation Isuzu trooper has tons of cargo space. 2 adults and a dog could sleep in the back with a proper platform that's level with the rear seats folded down. Some people say 95 is the best year of the trooper. the 98-01 3.5 troopers have oil burning issues but don't let that discourage you from test driving them. I'd look for a 92-95 with the 3.2 sohc or a 2002 3.5. The 3.5 with a 5speed is a real beast of a truck. Another thing to look for is the g80 code on the engine bay ID plate. It's means the truck came with a rear limited slip differential. Both troopers and monteros have a 9in+ ring gear, some monteros came with a rear locker. Both with very stout axles shafts. Check out the plantisuzoo forum. Tons of info there. I hope this helps, good luck with your search.


I've had a few Cherokees a few Comanches a few fords a samurai and now own 2 Isuzus 1 trooper 88 and a rodeo 97 the rodeo is the pavement princess and the trooper is my OL vehicle . the trooper is the one i want to get done up right , while it does only have a 2.6 vs the 3.2 i am putting a carb on it then Im hoping for a manual transmission swap but that isnt a requirement. they both have the same amount of ground clearance but the approach angles are better with the trooper


Having owned a 1984, 1989 RS, and 1993 RS Troopers along with a 1993 XJ, 1997 ZJ, and my current 2000 XJ RHD let me say this Isuzu's are not cheap. Common repair parts on a Jeep are more common and least costly than the same parts on an Isuzu. That being said the Isuzu's ride better handle better and in general will offer more "smiles per gallon" than a Jeep will.

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Full size domestic. Truck or SUV. Can't go wrong. Lots of space. Lots of comfort.

Unless you want to really go serious off-roading. Then the full size will limit you. But a full size should handle 95% of trails.

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