Mojave Desert Joshua Tree Road, Fort Pearce and Dinosaur Tracks


Expedition Leader
Spent the last day of 2016 and the 1st day of 2017 exploring SW Utah.

Mojave Desert Joshua Tree Road in SW Utah.

Took a slight detail towards the start/end of the trail to try and see where I came from - the trail/road is just visible in the background.

Nearing the end of the road.

I was planning to do some more exploring in the area (Hell Hole Pass) but the weather wasn't all that favorable so I headed over to the site of Fort Pearce and the Warner Valley Dinosaur Track site.


Expedition Leader
Out around Fort Pearce

Fort Pearce

Heading back out towards Warner Valley Dinosaur Tracks

View from the dinosaur track trail head

Final shot of the day, thought it was kind of cool to see the mountain top rising above the clouds.

First photo of 2017 at the trail head of Prospector/Church Rocks mountain bike trail - no other photos taken I was enjoying having the bike trail all to myself.

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Thanks for posting this. I didn't know of that road before. Those dino tracks are similarly shaped to the ones in the GSENM near Left Hand Collet Road.

Long Rifle

X2 great post and pictures-adding this to my list of places. Wife is joining me in retirement in one week-so much to see.


Expedition Leader
Thanks for posting this. I didn't know of that road before. Those dino tracks are similarly shaped to the ones in the GSENM near Left Hand Collet Road.

I only found the road because I was researching the area for mountain bike trails.

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