check out my new radio

I don't want to get into a flame war about this but want to make those that are reading this aware of how serious this is.

It's your radio, you are free to do whatever you want, just don't advertise it. This same problem came up many years ago with Ranger 10m radios. People were fined, radios confiscated, Rangers were even banned until they made it more difficult to modify. If you are a licensed ham you risk losing your license permanently.

There are big differences in modifying a radio to work as a CB and modifying a radio for use with MARS service. Modifying to use as a CB you violate not just power limits(which get little FCC attention these days) but also type acceptance of radio. Granted 11m has turned into a jungle where anything goes and no enforcement is done. The wild west and the sheriffs are afraid to enter. But when you go public you leave yourself wide open to enforcement action.

Licensed Ham radio operators are allowed to build or modify radio equipment as long as it is used within the ham radio service, not 11 meters. A licensed ham radio operator who is also a licensed MARS operator can modify or build a radio for use within MARS service.

Don't take me as the CB cop, far from it. It is your radio, you are free to do whatever you want, just don't advertise it.

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