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Biker Eagle

RTT trailer.jpg

Decided to dismount the RTT from my FJ Cruiser. I was losing 75-85 miles per tank with it on top. Now I can drop the RTT/Trailer at a base camp and go. Looking forward to testing in the near future.


Nice! I thought about doing the same thing when I had my RTT. I lost 10 MPG on my Subaru with it on top. I ended up selling it. That looks like a nice solution. It's got to be easier to setup instead of climbing on top of the vehicle too.


Expedition Leader
Nice! I thought about doing the same thing when I had my RTT. I lost 10 MPG on my Subaru with it on top. I ended up selling it. That looks like a nice solution. It's got to be easier to setup instead of climbing on top of the vehicle too.

Roof gear hits the mileage hard. Our 4x6 life time tent trailer "the original version" packed with gear runs around 1300lbs behind the Subaru. No bikes on the car roof we get trip averages of 21mpg at 65-70mph speeds. Add bikes to the car roof and we get knocked down to a solid 18mpg. I'm fooling with some bike rack ideas on the trailer to see if we can get back into the 20+mpg range. No 4x6 trailer or bikes just the sleek roof box we run 27-29mpg averages. Add a head wind and I've seen 16mpg with the trailer.
With a narrow and short /height trailer you should see a jump in mileage over the roof top set up. No doubt about that.


RTT's on trailers is the best way to go imo. Drop off the trailer at base camp and go out exploring from there. When not camping keep the RTT on the trailer and use the money you save in gas to go on more trips haha

Biker Eagle

Got the trailer at Lowe's. They usually run $499, but about once a quarter go on sale for $459.

I took my trailer to a local welding shop and he welded 2 rods(1" square) across the top from side to side. Each rod has 4" riser pieces under them to make it much easier to install mounting hardware. The RTT rails are secured to the 2 rods. Simple. No pics of it deployed on the trailer, yet.

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