Need some HF antenna advice what mobile HF antenna to get?

I have had numerous hamsticks on my Sierra, a screwdriver and now have a variation to Alpha Moto. All were compromise antennas. I did have good luck with a 102"whip and tuner. For campsite I use a Miitary Ez antenna on a 8' painters pole with a MFJ 1979 (I think) stainless telescoping antenna. I find that works better than a dipole at low elevation.

The Alpha Moto is not a bad antenna. As you found out most mobile antenna are a compromise. The Military EZ is similar to the Shakespeare Military sectional antenna that will extend to 31 feet. Also as you have found out a vertical will outperform a low dipole at distances greater than 300 miles.

A 66 foot long dipole is good only for 10-40 meters and when mounted at less than a half wavelength above ground becomes an NVIS antenna.

One possibility is using the same screwdriver antenna mobile and base. You can adapt it to a tripod. Cut 6 wires roughly 60 feet in length, attach them to tripod, and spread them on the ground. Space them as evenly as possible. You are not looking for a resonate ground plane just looking to reduce ground losses.

If you don't want to mount on a tripod you can leave it attached to vehicle just attach ground radials to antenna mount.


I have 2 of the Alpha matches, one on the truck, the other ready to go in my pack. In my truck I have a LDG IT100 under the back seat.The Moto tunes easily to 3.700 MHz. Last fall while camping west of Rocky Mountain House, AB I had a 3 way QSO with 10 watts on 40 metres to AR and Texas. That was with the Military Ez and longer MFJ whip.


I ended up making a 10/15/17/20 fan antenna still have to get out and test it but I have been reading up on long wire end fed antennas may be worth giving that a try/build


If you decide to do campsite "fixed" ops, I would recommend the antenna my good friend Budd (W3FF) "invented" and started selling and now his son Chris has taken over.

They work very well and are quick and easy to set up and take up very little room when disassembled.

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